Tuesday 28 April 2009

Crochet Today

As promised yesterday here are some of the projects that are featured in the May/June Crochet Today magazine. My personal opinion is that this magazine is far better value as it is £3.25 and has 24 patterns in it and quite a few of them are patterns that I know I will use. Perhaps I am prejudiced against Inside Crochet as it had so many circles projects which are my pet hate.

There is also a magnificent diamond patterned snake which for some reason I didn't photograph. I am not sure if it is a toy or an oversized draught stopper but it is 75" long and the head is 27" around. it is quite weighing over the small child it is photographed with. There would be an awful lot of crochet involved in that project and a ton of stuffing required to assemble,

I can see myself making the short sleeved jacket for my niece, perhaps the stole as a gift although it is in fine wool. The lacy jacket I liked at first glance but is is asymmetrical with each front and sleeve different. I love the circular cushion as it reminds me of a set of cushions made for me by my aunt when I got married. Sadly thrown away by my ex as he hated the hippy type bright colours. He was into the minimalistic black and white op art decor of the 60/70's. I even like the granny square cushion but I would need a stiff drink before I contemplated the afghans. I get bored far too easily to embark on anything that size.

I have started the Calendar crochet prop but I prefer not to show that until after it has been used in the shoot. I have run out of wool so will have to wait for the next wool delivery to do more on that. I am still ploughing on with my 4ply black cardigan. I think it is a big mistake to do 2 black projects one after the other.

I didn't get to the Kings Arms knitting club last night as I didn't have a lift and I just could not face going on the tram and bus with my knee. I hope one day to post that my knee is better but until then I will say no more except Please can I have a night's painfree sleep?

1 comment:

  1. The reviews of the mags are really interesting and helpful. I get fed up with the huge amount of Ads in mags too!
    Thanks for the comments on my blog about the Noro.....and glad that i am not the only one to find the gorgeous stuff unwearable.

    Hope your knee gets better soon my love.
    Jam :)


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