Thursday 16 April 2009

Buster may have gone home but his hair lingers on!

I didn't get to Bury market yesterday as my IBS decided to make it's presence felt and I could not stray too far away from the smallest room. I decided therefore to resurrect a hibernated 4ply black crochet cardigan that I had started a couple of years ago and left half way up the back. I have finished the back but I am not altogether happy with it to wear with my dress for my niece's wedding. I looked at my crochet this morning to find it is liberally sprinkled with Buster's hair. I have sponge cleaned the sofa,washed all the throws and cushions, hoovered and dusted the front room within an inch of it's life and still I have dog hair! Arghhh.

Today I met up with fellow Knitting Nora Jen in Manchester for a chat and a wander about. Not much of a wander for me with my knee. It didn't help that the trams have stopped running through Manchester and terminated at Victoria Station. We caught a cab up to Abakhan and had a look around there. We wandered down to the Arndale and had a bite to eat and then went to M&S to see if I could find anything to wear on my feet. After trying a couple of pairs on that I couldn't fit on my swollen feet I decided to call it a day. I will either have to wear a pair of old sandals that fit me or do a Sandy Shaw and go barefoot to my niece's wedding! Jen was very patient with me as we had to keep finding benches whilst I had a sit down.I am sure that she would probably have looked in more shops but for me holding her back. Drat this knee.

On the way home I met a neighbour whose sister in law has had the same op as me and he was surprised to see me up and hobbling about. Apparently she got told to use her knee in the house but stay off it whilst out and about for 6 weeks and got issued with crutches. Hers is strapped up whereas I got told to go home and carry on as normal and not to strap it at all. I don't feel such a wimp now hobbling about in pain. Maybe I shouldn't have been using it as much as I have been and rested it more.

I am going to browse in the crochet books now and see if I can find a better pattern to use with my black double knit. Poor 4ply cardigan hibernated once again!

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