Monday 6 April 2009

28 Crochet Squares

28 crochet squares made for Lisa's jacket and I haven't repeated a colour sequence twice yet. Some squares are similar colour wise but not identical. I have passed the third mark and am hoping to get to the half way stage by tonight. I have pinned them out on my blocking board to make it easier to see the colour sequences when I am choosing the colours for the next square. Eventually I will have to have identical squares but I am hoping that I will only have to repeat squares twice. If I can make another 10 different sequence squares then I will have managed it.

I may not make the half way stage if I am lucky enough to get a lift tonight to the Kings Arms knitters as I don't want to lug a big bag of wool with me. I have a couple of balls of pale grey Sublime Kid Mohair left from the capelet that I can turn into a small crochet scarf so I will take that with me if I go.

The weather is dry but the sun is nowhere to be seen. I did manage to get out into the garden to finish off the sock monkey in the sunshine over the weekend but I doubt if I will be sitting out this week as the forecast is for colder weather.

I gave in and went back on the strong painkillers so my knee pain is bearable at the moment. I will give it another week to heal before I step them down again.

1 comment:

  1. Wow those are pretty!!
    I need to get crackin on my hexagons. You're making me feel guilty. ;-)

    Glad you're using the stronger pain killers, you shouldn't try going off them too early.


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