Friday 27 March 2009

A Windy Day in Spring

I hoped that after we had the first day of Spring that we might at least see some sunshine. Today has been very blustery with a few hail showers. The wind has been blowing things all around the garden. The sun is trying to shine but there is very little warmth in it. I was hoping to take a little walk up the street today but I think I will leave it until tomorrow.

I have finished off a little baby cardigan. I used one of my favourite patterns. It is a very old pattern but it has been in print for a long time. I would not be surprised if is still available now. Patons SC 44 was the best selling pattern that Patons ever sold. A little old fashioned looking these days as it is still a small grey pattern but I do find that the patterns fit a small baby well. The wool is baby double knitting from my stash and I can't remember what it was as it had lost it's label. I stitched on the buttons for the blue cardigan.

The Knitting Noras are going to make some knitted cupcakes to sell for charity. I, of course, will be looking for a crochet pattern for cupcakes. I do hope that one of the Noras will help with the stuffing and trimming as that is not my forte. I prefer to crochet items that I can wear rather than toys any day.

My knee continues to improve and I can bend it much better than before the op. If only the weather would improve and then I can test it out with a short walk. Until then it's back to knitting and crocheting with my foot elevated.

1 comment:

  1. I think I knit that pattern for my children many moons ago:0
    Glad you are feeling better Jan


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