Monday 23 March 2009

Tall Latte with a difference

The decision of what to do with the too short, but I have run out of sale wool, Tall Latte has been resolved. I am still deciding whether I made the right decision but there was no way I was unravelling it.

As per usual my sweaters look better laid flat on the table than they actually do on me. I debated about an extra motif around the bottom edge but it looked a bit splayed out so I decided on one less and a lot of blocking. Maybe when I have lost weight on my diet (she says hopefully) then it will hang a bit better and not emphasise my boobs and three bellies. The colour is right on the first photos and not on the one that I am wearing that was taken iwth a web cam.

The motif that I used was one that I found in a very old crochet book and I think the circle effect is a nice change from the granny squares look which I have used in the past.

My niece called yesterday with a Mother's day card for an Auntie. She brought the dress for her sister's wedding that I had ordered from her catalogue. I just could not face trailing around the shops to buy one. I now have to decide on a colour for a crochet jacket as I have decided against the openwork shawl as the dress is patterned.

She said the Knittng Noras You Tube Video has caused great amusement in her family. She remembered on Saturday morning that she hadn't turned on the washer and dashed down to do it. She thought no more about it until she came back upstairs. She sleeps in the nude and her husband said Have you been down to the kitchen like that? When she said Yes he said you Buckleys (our maiden name) are all alike. You can't wait to take your kit off - like auntie like niece!


  1. Your Tall Latte is so pretty, I love it like that. You are so clever Jan when it comes to adapting patterns. Perhaps your niece is practising for the Knitting Noras calendar.

  2. I knew you'd figure something out but am still amazed at how you did it. It really looks great Jan!

  3. Great save!! You should love your ability to figure things out so cleverly - I, too, have a extra tum-tum and have been "losing" weight since August (down 3 up 3, down 3 up 3). Just recently I have finally been able to discontinue the snacking here and there and am FINALLY down 7, and not up again! Seven isn't a big number, but it is the difference in succeeding or not in my pea brain! You succeed so well in your crafts, so I know you will put your mind to succeeding wherever you want! So there.


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