Wednesday 4 March 2009

Slow progress

I seem to be making slow progress on the capelet. I haven't been doing as much as my thumb is still a bit achy and the rows are getting larger and longer to do as the capelet gets wider and wider. You can see the shape of the pineapple emerging now plus the scallops that will form the edging.

I found one photo of my bedroom as it used to be with it's dark red voiles. Unfortunately both the little elephant and the elephant candle holder on the window sill have been broken. The multi coloured cushions also had elephants on them and beautiful tassels on each corner which my late cat used to love to eat so they are now faded with scraggy tassels. I still have a thing about elephants and have a few in my living room. They all face the door according to Feng Shui to show I am ready to go on a journey. My late sister in law used to have the most beautiful huge dark wood elephant in her hallway that she brought back from when she lived in Africa. It was large enough for the children to sit on and I really coveted that elephant although it was much too large for my house. I was so sad to find out that she had given it away to someone when she moved house. She said she didn't realise how much I liked it.

I haven't done anything today. A friend is over from Spain and he came to see if he could use my PC to check his e mails. We got chatting about old times when I used to child sit him as his mother dare not leave him and his brother alone in the house for fear they would kill each other! They still don't get on even now. He lives permanently in Spain and is just over to visit his parents but they are not on the Internet. he is here until Friday so no doubt he will be back again as he has bid on something on E bay.


  1. I really like your bedroom with the elephants and tassled cushions etc. I love elephants and have a large china elephant in my conservatory facing the door and also wear a gold elephant bracelet on my wrist all the time.

  2. What a beautiful room Jan! My bedroom carpet and curtains are that color, and I'm hoping to find bathroom decor to match since I have an en suite. :-)


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