Saturday 21 March 2009

Ladybird Murphy on Channel M

Since many of my friends at home and now world wide have viewed the Knitting Noras on You Tube there have been many conversations about our performance. Most of the comments to me centred around the travelling woolly sock monkey who stole the show (see first photo). She is Ladybird Murphy and her knitting mum is HappySunshine(Emma). Lady bird Murphy is living with foster mum Bev for a month before setting off on her travels again wearing a new outfit. My friend in Kentucky wants me to make one for him. I have said one sock monkey for him is worth some Kentucky publicity for our calendar.Thanks Ladybird Murphy for generating some more publicity for our Naked Knitting Calendar. We will have to start a fan club for her soon. Maybe we should say that if you want to join her fan club the price is a pre order of a calendar (or two).

Bit of promotion now - This is the commercial break

If anybody who reads my blog and would like a calendar when they are finished and on sale later this year could you please visit our Knitting Noras web site (link TKN - The Knitting Noras on my favourite blogs) and fill in a pre order form. You don't have to pay yet. It will help us to gauge how many calendars we need to get printed.

Thank you.

If you want to know more about the travelling sock monkeys and their adventures and are a member of Ravelry then look on the thread entitled 'TSM Gramma's When Monkey's Fly Chat group' and it will tell you all about it. If you want to make a travelling sock monkey then click on my blog title for a link to purchase the pattern from YvonneKnits. You may have to be a member of Ravelry to view this page but I am sure that YvonneKnits has a web page with her patterns displayed if you are not a member of Ravelry.

The second photo is of Bev's travelling sock monkey Blathers who is residing with his foster mum in NYC at the present moment. Bev is hoping that he will be back from his travels in time to be included in her photo for the calendar.

After I had my spinal operation last year the Knitting Noras bought me a lovely bouquet of flowers and a plant from the orchid family. I will have to rely on Vicky to tell me the name of it. It had beautiful velvety purple flowers for a long time and after they died I kept watering it and it has produced many leaves. I noticed today that it seems to be producing another stem so I am hoping that it will flower again for me this year.

With all this excitement and our Knitting Noras site going into overdrive with a plethora of e mails I haven't made much progress on my crochet or the knitted baby jacket. The last photo is where I am up to with my ideas for lengthening the "too short and running out of wool" Tall Latte. Hopefully I will get some crochet done tonight. Last night I nodded off in the middle of crocheting - well they do say it is relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to see you all on telly, and can't wait to get a copy of the calendar! Love, Pugger (from the Ravelry group)


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