Monday 2 February 2009

Let it snow. let it snow. let it snow

I love the snow. It covers everything with a magical sparkly coating and for once my garden looks as nice as the one across the road. Of course I don't have to drive in it or walk the dog in it anymore so I can enjoy it through my bay window from the comfort of my warm front room.

I have to go out later so whether I will feel as ecstatic when I have to walk in it - I don't know.

After a weekend of barking like a seal and getting hardly any sleep I have got another appointment with the doc this afternoon. My next door neighbour was starting to give me the evil eye over the fence as I am sure I have kept her and the kids awake for the last week or so with my daytime and especially my nocturnal barking. I am beginning to wonder if it is just asthma as diagnosed or something else now. The chemicals I inhaled whilst cleaning up after Oscar last week can't have helped my inflamed airways. The doc said to return in 2 weeks if I was no better so I think now is the time to return.

I have finally made something with the much unravelled super chunky grey fleck. I finally did settle on the Phildar pattern but it is customised with the addition of plain grey stripes (thankfully going down the body) to eke out the wool. I finished with about 2yds of fleck wool left. I could have made something sleeveless but I have a slew of knitted and crochet sleeveless things in the wardrobe that I never wear. If it's warm enough for no sleeves then I wear a T shirt. Waistcoats are just not my thing. The last time I wore one was when the granny square ones were fashionable! I make them and they hang forlornly in my wardrobe for that magical day when I will decide to wear them. I won't give them away as I know that one day I WILL wear them - well that's my story and I am sticking to it.

I have started a super chunky hat for my niece with some wool that I got from Vicky. I found a cabled pattern but it is on 2 needles. Quicker for me to knit but I shall have to be very neat with my stitching up. Stitching things together is not my strongest point. When I was younger I used to finish knitting or crocheting and then throw the garment in the basket and it used to languish there for ages until I plucked up the nerve to sew it together. I think I enjoy the making of something more than the wearing of it. I have dozens of things that I have maybe only worn one time. If something was complicated or I really like it I will deem it far too good for everyday wear and put it in the cupboard. When I am gone my family will say - when did she make this? We have never seen her wear it!


  1. I like the effect of the grey stripe in the cardigan. What a good idea for making yarn go a bit further. Hope your cough gets better soon Jan.

  2. I know what you mean about the cough...I feel like I'm coughing up a lung each time! I haven't had a voice for 12 days frustrating! Hope you feel better very soon!!!
    I saw on our news where London is a mess right now with the is very pretty when you don't have to go out in it. Just be careful!


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