Thursday 11 December 2008

Almost finished

No photos today as although I have finished baby Annabel's pram suit I didn't finish it until the light was fading and I want to take photos in the daylight. The legging were all in K1 P1 rib and I could have made a pair for a real baby with the length of time it has taken me.

I hope to get started on a new project tonight. Possibly the Cinnabar, or a jacket for baby Charlie, some fingerless mitts maybe or a pair of crochet slippers. They are all wanted for Christmas so I can choose which one I start first.

I finally had my flu jab yesterday. I was due it at the end of November but I have had a cough and a cold for the last week or so. That is how I knew that I was overdue my flu jab as this is the first real cold I have had in the five years since I have been having the flu jab. My arm hurts a little as I got the Attila the Hun nurse who has a less than gentle touch when she wields a needle. I got her the last time I had a smear test and I banged my head on the wall when I jumped up the bed as she thrust the shoe horn thing inside me with all the grace of an over enthusiastic turkey stuffer! Next time I am going to enquire when the gentle Scottish nurse is on duty and make sure I choose her day.

Right time to stitch on the pram coat buttons and decide on what to knit or crochet next. Decisions, decisions.


  1. My goodness, Jan! I thought you'd lost your knitting mojo! I go away for a couple of days and find you have made a heap of fabulous dolls clothes. I do wish I could knit as fast as you.

  2. glad you got your flu jab at last, you have been busy with your Christmas knitting Jan:)


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