Tuesday 11 November 2008

Gorgeous Hats by Crafty Andy

I have been browsing the blogs as per usual and was reading Carol Ventura's blog. She has a blog and has written books on Tapestry crochet (which are on my wish list). She was showing hats by Crafty Andy. I had favourited several of his hats on Flickr in the past as I think he is a very talented crocheter and knitter. I hope that he won't mind my posting a photo of one of his hats on here. If you click on my blog title it will take you to his blog which shows the wonderful hats he has made using Tapestry crochet. He also has videos on You Tube showing off his work. Thanks Andy for a happy hour watching your videos. Very inspirational. I will be adding your blog to my list of favourites.

The other photos are of my squirrel. He/she came to the window yesterday so I had to feed it. I know they are supposed to be vermin but it is so cute with it's antics.

Not much progress to report on the Aran knitting. I have started the front but it is very slow progress and there has been not a stitch knitted on the sock.

The postman has brought me the essential oils that I ordered from Green Therapeutics so my oil burner will soon be fired up. Which shall I choose for today? Patchouli, Lavender or Jasmine? Perhaps not the Lavender until later this evening. I want to do some knitting and not relax so much that I fall asleep!

I am still trying to subdue my crocheting withdrawal symptoms. I have managed to overcome the strong urges so far but I am weakening rapidly.


  1. Hey There, Thanks and No problem at all using the picture. I am honored that people like you also like my work and want to share it. The squirrel is very clever fellow!
    Happy Fall!

  2. Oh I LOVE SQUIRRELS! They can't be vermin! You sound like me. :-) I use essential oils all the time. Lavender and tea tree are my main medicinal ones,I use lemon and eucalyptus more during the winter and patchouli, geranium and litsea cubeba are a few of my fav scents to wear.


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