Tuesday 14 October 2008

Down Memory Lane

Not much to report about my crochet today as I really haven't made any progress on anything.

I mentioned yesterday that I was going to get Vicky's crochet squares down from the spare bedroom but that didn't happen. My son asked me if I would scan some photos of when he was growing up so that he could put them on a disc on his computer. I am not very savvy about scanning things so by the time I had found the photos and browsed through them for hours the day just slipped away. I have managed to scan quite a few for him and he will be calling later to put them on a disc or a memory stick. All far too technical for me. It was nice to look through all the photos and the memories they brought back. I must admit that I hadn't looked through them in quite a while. The photo I have posted on here was when my son was aged about 4 and had fallen top to bottom down 4 concrete steps in a neighbour's garden the day before the school photographer was due to call. I kept the photo as it is all part of his childhood. I think he looks very cute even with a busted lip and grazes. The teacher asked me at the time if I wanted the photographer to not snap him but I said no I still want one.

I went to the Kings Arms last night and it was packed. Loads of people there - almost standing room only. I wasn't expecting to go as Charlie had rung me to say her husband was working late and so she probably wasn't going. I am always grateful of the lift but if she isn't going them I don't worry about it as I know how difficult it can be to get out when your husband works long hours and you have a small child to take care of. I was almost a social hermit when Ian was small. She invited me to knit at hers and as she only lives around the corner I accepted. Her husband arrived home later and so we were able to get to the Kings. I was glad we managed to get there as I was able to give the curly wurly scarf to Rachael. It will be the last time I will see her before the raffle. Charlie isn't going for a couple of weeks and therefore neither will I.

I really must try to get some crochet done today. I had taken some dark red wool to crochet last night not thinking that I would be crocheting in the dim lights at the Kings. I had to give up in the end as I couldn't see what I was crocheting. I have threatened to buy a miner's helmet with a light attached. Tesco Direct sell a headband with a light on so I might invest in one of those. I may look rather silly but at least I will be able to see what I am doing!


  1. What a lovely little boy, even with the grazes on his face. How fast the years fly by.

  2. Whoa Jan! He looks just like you! Such a cute little sight too. :-)


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