Saturday 25 October 2008

Breast Cancer Raffle Night

I have just got back from the Kings Arms where Rachael had organised an evening of entertainment and raffle in aid of Breast Cancer. I don't know how much was raised as it hadn't all been counted up when I left. I will post it on here when I find out.

We had a good evening with the mixing of the two knitting clubs. A few of the Knitting Noras plus the Kings Arms knitters. The best bit of the evening was the raffle where the compere made it all great fun.

The young woman who got my granny square shawl was thrilled with it and the guy who won the willy warmer thought that I should make them to sell and not just give them away as they were such a fun item. His girlfriend won the pink curly whirly scarf. His mate looked a bit funny in my pink lacy crocheted scarf. Sylvia won the pink sweet pea shawl. The lady who won the pink baby matinee and hat is hoping that her brother's partner's expected baby to be will turn out to be a girl. She said it it's a boy it will have to wear it anyway, even if it's only in bed, as it's so pretty!

Before the raffle was a duo of girls dressed in red satin elasticated shorts - reminded me of babies romper suits - who shouted/screamed, way off key, through several numbers very loudly. Apparently they have a huge following but most of us thought that they were truly awful. So bad that we were having hysterics at their singing. If that is what passes for music these days I am glad that I am old! I think most of the people seated near me would have had a whip round and paid to get them off. I would have stuck a fiver in the hat to get them to shut up. A couple of the Noras wisely went outside for a ciggy. I almost took up smoking just to go and join them! My ears were ringing and they started hurting - I was deaf for a few minutes when they stopped screaming. In their final song they massacred one of the Beatles songs. I bet John and George were spinning in their graves. I wish I had recorded them for Simon Cowell - I bet his face would have been a picture of pain when he heard them.

I came back home by taxi as I couldn't face public transport and the trams would have stopped running anyway by then. I am glad that I don't have to pay for a taxi very often - it cost me £8.80p to get home. I think I am getting tight as well as old!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a good night dispite the awful singing!


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