Thursday 4 September 2008

Rah Boom De Ay

The Rah Boom De Ay from the Everyday Crochet Book by Doris Chan is finished. Surprisingly I do like it although it is quite a bright red and the opportunities to wear it might be small. It's not exactly the sweater to wear whilst walking the dog or cleaning the house. It is not as unflattering in wear as I thought it would be. I thought that all the frills over the hips would make me look even bigger than I already am but the frills actually sit below the hip line. I will try to take some photos of it in wear but the light in this room is so dark because of all the rain lately and I have to use a web cam to take photos when I am wearing a garment. I will try to post photos of the sweater later as Blogger will not let me post the photos on this post.

I am knitting at the moment. The lacy cardigan from Knit Today for my sister in law. I will post photos of it tomorrow. I was struggling a bit with the lacy pattern until I re-wrote it on Microsoft word in bigger font and once the pattern was all on one line instead of broken up over 3 lines for each pattern row in the small columns of the magazine I was able to follow it easier. I really don't like the 4 columns per page format of the magazine. Two columns per page is far easier to read.

Last night I went out for a meal to Felicini in Eccles with the ladies from the Kings Arms to celebrate their first anniversary of the formation of the knit club. Most took their knitting but I didn't as I had just started the lacy cardigan and didn't feel confident enough about the pattern stitch to knit and chat. It was a good job that they took their knitting as we had a really long wait for our meal. Admittedly we did keep them waiting at first as we waited to order for Jane to arrive, who had to walk from Eccles tram stop, but the meal took so long to arrive we would have eaten the tablecloth if there had been one! Charlie picked me up and brought me home again. I was extremely grateful for the lift as otherwise I would not have been able to go. I would not have been up to the long walk from the tram station. My back is a bit sore today. I think it was sitting too long on the uncomfy restaurant chairs last night. I left with a rattan imprint on my thighs!

It's times like this that I am going to miss not having a car. I have made the decision to get rid of it as I have decided that I would rather spend my money on being able to turn on my heating this winter than struggle to keep a car on the road. It would need MOT, road tax and insurance to go back on the road. It will be tough for me to lose my Independence as I have owned a car since I was 17 and never been without one since but circumstances change and I have to cut my cloth according to my means as my mother would say. It will be public transport and taxis for me from now on. I have joked that not only am I looking for Prince Charming I am now looking for one with transport!

Tomorrow I will be taking the tram for the first time since my op as I have to go to the dentist in the morning. Eadaoin and Jen are coming to visit me in the afternoon so I will have a busy day. I like having company as it passes the day quicker for me. I do go out most days ,weather permitting, but I find it hard to drum up any interest in going for a walk in the pouring rain. The TV has just issued a severe weather warning about more rain coming so I had better check that the drain in front of my garage is clear of leaves and rubbish otherwise I get a duck pond in my driveway when it rains hard. I am not supposed to be pushing a brush around but I can't risk a flood.

The photo of me is courtesy of Eadaoin. She took her camera to the Knit Out on Sunday. I am wearing my Farpoint Topper and 3 chins. Obviously I haven't lost any weight since my operation yet!


  1. love the top youa re wearing Jan it is fabulous:)

  2. Love the top! What yarn and colorway did you use?

  3. You look great in that top Jan! What 3 chins?! lol Silly, silly. :-)


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