Monday 22 September 2008

Photos from the party

These are photos taken at Julie's (next door) party a couple of weeks ago. I am the rotund one wearing the multi coloured crochet top by Doris Chan which I thought I would never wear and have worn loads of times. The first pic is me with Julie and one of her friends. Julie wore her wig for the party but soon took it off. After a couple of drinks off came the hair! Her hair has now thankfully grown back into a rather cheeky short crop which really suits her. It has grown back greying (now remedied with a colour) and quite curly.
The second photo shows me with Christine (centre blonde) another dog walker buddy and Julie's mum (in the orange hat) who everyone calls Madge as they say she looks just like the lady from the TV series Benidorm. I didn't watch it so I can't tell you if she does. The last photo is of Julie with her dog Buddy. He visits me through the hedge on occasions and sometimes leaves me deposits on the lawn. I don't mind though as he is a lovely dog. He went for his first walk after his snip op yesterday.

Tonight I have arranged to meet up with Sylvia and Kath from the Kings Arms knitters in Manchester. They have promised to shepherd me to the Knit Out from the station so that I won't get lost. I have only ever been there in a car before so am not sure of my way there on foot. I am still wary of being on my own in town at night. When I was younger I used to think nothing of walking anywhere despite having been beaten up and sexually assaulted ( defined by the police as attempted rape) when I was 17 on my way home from a New Year's Eve dance. I was with a friend at the time when we were set on by a gang of drunks. All because I refused to give them a kiss for New Year. That was the first of my many broken noses and I had micro surgery to repair my lip split wide open when he thumped me in the mouth with his fist whilst wearing a large sovereign ring.

Brilliant surgery, done very painfully in Casualty under local anaesthetic at 3am New Years Day as the doctor didn't want to wait for a theatre and anaesthetist. He said I would scar badly if not repaired asap. There is hardly a mark now whereas before I looked like I had a hare lip stretching from my lips to my nose.
He re-set my front teeth which had been knocked out and stitched me together with loads of micro stitches. These days I suppose it would have all been done under a general and in better surroundings by a plastic surgeon but I was just grateful that he just pushed me into a side room and got on with it. On his own without a nurse as Casualty was really busy. Probably totally against hospital protocol which is why I never name him.

I saw him again months later whilst walking in the hospital corridor and he just came up to me and held my face and inspected it. He said I told you that I would not let that bastard spoil your pretty face I did a good job didn't I? He then walked off before I could say thank you properly.

Today it looks like rain again which is a shame as I have washing on the line and I wanted to try to dry the car out. I am hoping to finish off my crocheted present today and maybe start some socks at the knit club tonight. I don't want to have to carry all the wool for Vicky's crocheted shawl squares (my next project to finish) with me as I am travelling on the tram.


  1. Charming photos - and your top looks so nice on you.

  2. That top looks great on you. I especially like the colors.

    I hope you don't get too nervous. My problem is I don't know when to be more cautious walking at night. I tend to trust too much.

    Have fun!

  3. I enjoyed looking at your photos and I agree with ree and kathy that your top looks really nice on you.


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