Monday 1 September 2008

Knit Out Sunday

Caroline came for me yesterday and gave me a lift up to the monthly Knitting Noras Knit Out in Bolton. We had a really good turn out. There seemed to be loads of us there and the weather stayed nice enough for us to sit outside although we did have to move further under the canopy at one stage as Eadaoin and Jen were getting rather wet when the heavens opened on them. I wore my Doris Chan Farpoint Topper. I must admit that when I made it I didn't think I would wear it and so far I have worn it quite a few times and it always gets admired. It felt so good to get out and about again and meet people. My back stayed fairly comfortable even sitting on cafe seats so I had a good time. I even went mad and treated myself to a Tuna Melt as well as a couple of Lattes. last of the big spenders!

Lisa had brought some very old patterns that she had bought from a charity shop and that got us chatting about old patterns in our stashes. As I am years older than most of the Noras and have inherited some of my patterns from my mother so some of mine are quite old. Today's photos are from a book called The Pictorial Guide to Modern Home Knitting which belonged originally to my maternal Grandmother and I remember it as an old battered book when I was a child so I would date it around 1940. The men look quite dashing and rather reminiscent of films like Brief Encounter and the ladies must have got up very early to get their hair in such elaborate coiffures. As for the Pixie Bonnet well I hope that you all will be making this fashion staple in time for the winter chills. I think that you can read the instructions if you look carefully enough

There are in the book patterns for knitted men's vests and combinations but only diagrams. I think they didn't want to inflame the senses of the 1940's ladies. There are however photos of the ladies vests, French knickers and American panties but not of course modelled on a person. Far too risque in those days.

I have been sorting through my crochet patterns from the 60's and 70's and have had many a laugh with crochet hot pants, tank tops and strange looking hats. I should start a vintage crochet section on my blog! I only wish I had photos that showed me wearing some of my creations but in those days we didn't have a camera so few photos exist of me in the 60's. Judging from the hot pant patterns, mini dresses and Mary Quant sweaters it's probably just as well!

My Rah Boom De Ay sweater is still progressing and now has 2 sleeves plus over large frilly cuffs and I am about half way down the body. I am still unsure if it will have frills around the hips. I probably will put the frill on as I have a feeling that the whole sweater is one that I will rarely wear anyway. Bright red with frills is a bit OTT for a pensioner?

I saw Vicky J at the Knit Out and now have the missing colour for the final 10 squares for her granny square shawl. I gave her the Cinnabar, Anisette vest and the Drops Circles Bolero and I could see from her face that she is of the same opinion as I am about the last one. I think I will finish my sweater before I return to her granny squares again as it is getting quite large and taking over my pouffe at the moment.

I just had to dash out and rescue my washing from the line. It was lovely and sunny when I put it out 15 mins ago and now the heavens have opened once again. The good old British Summer. I am not going for a walk today in this. I have a pot of Tesco home made style Broccoli and Stilton soup in the fridge and some nice bakery bread so I will have that for my dinner tonight.

Tonight it is the Knit Out at the Kings Arms and I have just had a reminder text from Rachael about it. I don't think I will be going as I think Charlie is away so I have no chance of a lift. I just don't feel up to getting there on public transport just yet. I would have quite a walk from the bus or tram and it's not in the best area of Salford for walking at night. I am going to miss my car for outings such as these but it can't be helped. I can't afford to keep a car on the road just to get me to my Knit Outs much as I enjoy them. I have done my sums and something has to give and unfortunately it will have to be the car. I am not only looking for a handsome Prince Charming to brighten my life but now I need one with a car as well. Stand back - there is a long queue forming at my door! - Yeah right I know - in my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting to see your vintage patterns. The forties patterns reminded me of when I was a child and the grown-ups used to wear clothes like that. Then later on when I was in my teens and twenties, I used to crochet styles like those. I particularly remember a suit that was modelled by Twiggy. I loved that suit and was the height of fashion when I wore it. Happy Days.


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