Monday 8 September 2008

I will be back asap

My internet keesp disconnecting every five minutes and then stays off for most of the day. Nothing to do with us says Orange. Fault must be yours. After all you have had your PC and Livebox for almost 12 months (sctually I got them at Christmas)Check all your connections (I have). We can test the line but it will be 5 days before we can do this (why?) there is some kind of a note on your account so I can't check it ( I pay direct debit and they have had the money) The mind boggles! Just bear with us for the next 5 days ( I am paying for the next 5 days)

I probably won't be able to post this as it will disconnect if I try but you never know. Hopefully back soon

1 comment:

  1. How very frustrating for you. I do hope you get it sorted out soon as I really miss reading your blog.


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