Sunday 28 September 2008

Belize Wrap

I can now post photos of the Belize Wrap that I made for my friend Vicky's birthday. She has now seen it so I can let you view it. The pattern is a free pattern from and I made this one from double knitting. 200 grams main and 100 each of the contrast colours. The pattern does involve a lot of colour swapping but was quite easy to do once I got the hang of the swirls. If you click on the title of this post (Belize Wrap) it will take you to the pattern.

It was the monthly Knit Out of the Knitting Noras today and we had a good knit out in the sunshine. We were a little depleted today as a couple of Noras were at a craft fair, others had family commitments and I think some are away on holiday.

I did some work on the crochet squares I am making for my Breast cancer shawl. I still haven't finished the shawl off for Vicky and here I am starting another one! I don't think I will make it to the Kings Arms Knit Out tomorrow so I will have plenty time to finish it before I see them again.

My man's sock knitting has come to a halt as I am a bit unsure of the pattern I chose. It has calf shaping which I am not happy with as I am shortening the socks anyway and I don't think I will have enough wool (or cotton mix in this case) to finish the pair if I continue with this pattern so I think I will have to bite the bullet and unravel. I will have another look for a different pattern. I have not knitted a pair of man sized socks before so am not sure what size they should be. I have a couple of sock books but they all have patterned socks and I really only want a plain pair.

The holly tree branches are still languishing on the lawn as my son had to work this weekend and so could not come with his trailer to transport the branches to the tip. Caroline ( who gave me a lift to the Knit Out) bravely ventured into the branches wearing only flip flops to cover up the logs. The weather forecast is for rain tomorrow and these logs are destined for a friend of my son who has a log burning stove.

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