Thursday 7 August 2008

Sleepy Day

I have so much to blog about today that I have split it into two. This is the blog I would have written yesterday if I hadn't been so sleepy. So imagine this was written on Wednesday.

I finished the Mei Mei from the Everyday Crochet book by Doris Chan. I had always liked the design but thought that it looked rather chunky and was considering trying to adapt it to finer wool. When Caroline F said that she would like one I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to see how it turns out. I used Rowan all seasons cotton. It is beautiful to crochet with. Slightly stretchy and corded. It is, in fact, only 60% cotton but the other 40% acrylic is what gives it such a beautiful finish. I am really pleased with the way it has turned out. I have finished it off temporarily with 2 silver buttons on a tab. On the pattern it has 2 lovely buttons fastened together with beads strung on elastic or I could imagine it with a clasp fastener.

I feel very sleepy today. I had a had night's sleep so woke up rather groggy.

1 comment:

  1. Gee you post often! lol I hadn't realized I'd missed any posts.

    It turned out soo pretty! You're getting a lot done for a woman just having had sugery on her back! :-) Go Jan, go Jan! :-)


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