Monday 4 August 2008

Almost back up to speed - well crochet wise that is

I had a productive day yesterday. I managed to finish off the brown flecked Doris Chan that started off life as a Tall Latte but evolved into a bit of a couple of other patterns in the end. Doris would approve as she does say the idea is to adapt patterns to suit ourselves. I am not a lover of the wool and having to unpick and re-do the bottom of the sleeves didn't help either. The wool was given to me on Freecycle when I requested wool to make outfits for the premature baby unit at Bolton Hospital. I had used a lot of my own wool in that project so don't feel that using this wool for myself is against anyone principles. I shall be making other items for the babies and no doubt using a lot of my own yarn next time and this wool was unsuitable for babies.

The garment turned out better than I expected for a stash busting exercise using wool I was not fond of. Last night I unravelled a knitted aran crossover cardigan that I made for myself about 18 months ago and never wore as it turned out far too large for me. Waist length wrap overs are not the most flattering garment for anyone of ample proportions especially one that didn't fit properly. I have started to crochet another Sweet Pea shrug this time for Caroline F today. The wool is very attractive but too thick for the pattern so as usual I will be doing a bit of jiggling about with the sizes and hoping to turn out a wearable garment. She also brought 4 balls of the pink Rowan cotton so hopefully there will be enough for the Mei Mei from Doris Chan.

I had Caroline F who came to hoover my house for me yesterday and also Vicky and Laurie who mowed the lawn and clipped the hedge. Vicky also armed me with supplies for the fridge for a few meals. I am so lucky to have such good friends. I would have been lost this week without them and it has made such a difference to me knowing that they will help me in any way if I have any further needs.

I am continuing to improve daily, mobility and pain wise, although the amount and quality of sleep that I get varies from day to day. Last night I didn't have a particularly good night's sleep and so am not as chirpy as I might be today. These things take time so I am taking it one day at a time. I tried to have a little nap on the sofa this afternoon but had weird strange dreams so was glad to wake up again soon afterwards. I have had very few weird dreams considering I am on strong painkillers.

My physio phoned me today to get the measurements of my bath to loan me a bath board but my niece had ordered one from Argos for me so I no longer need it. It has arrived but I have not unpacked it. I will take it upstairs with me tonight in time for my shower tomorrow morning. He checked with me how I was doing and I asked him for further instructions physio wise. As soon as I feel strong enough he would like me to try to go for a walk outdoors but as I live on an incline whichever way I walk he said take it easy at first and do the upward walk on the way out rather than the way back. I asked about the pain that I have when I try to get my legs up on the sofa or the bed in order to lie down and he explained to me about angles of back to leg and told me what to try next time ( I think I know what he means)so hopefully I might find it easier when I try to lie down.

I have changed my PC chair for a dining chair so hopefully that will allow me to sit long enough tomorrow to catch up with blogs. I hope that I get a good night's sleep and feel refreshed and a lot more chirpy in the morning. I had a really good day mentally and physically on Sunday so if Tuesday is another Sunday then I shall be happy.


  1. Looks good now it's finished actually! Thank you for my things as well - very exciting seeing them pending!! See you soon Caroline

  2. Very nice honey! You've been busy already! Now don't move too fast, don't want you hurting your poor back. Glad to hear you have a bit of normalcy going on though.

  3. So glad you've come out the other end and are beginning to recover.

    That crochet hook has still got steam coming out of it though!

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your crocheting always looks so professional.

    Don't push yourself too fast but it's good that you're able to make progress.

    I, too, live in an area that is mostly uphill everywhere. It's such a pain...literally.

  5. Well done sister! Good to see you're back to doing what you love and what we all look forward to seeing - a new crochet item from the doyenne of the craft.


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