Wednesday 2 July 2008

Too much gardening yesterday

The photos today are courtesy of Ms Lilith's Flickr site. I hope that she does not mind my using them on my blog. She took a photo of one of the squares that I made to donate to the Oxfam maternal death blanket. The other two photos are of the pub that we ladies meet at every Monday night. It is a wonderfully old fashioned pub with loads of atmosphere and I think she has captured that well with the pub signs. If I get the other photos of my squares I will post them at a later date.

Yesterday I decided to tidy up the garden prior to going into hospital as I knew that I cannot do it again for a long time. I merely cut the lawn, trimmed the hedge and tidied one of the flower beds but by the end of the day it was all too much for my back, Buster had to miss out on his walk but was cheered up immensely by the arrival of my son and daughter in law (his former mum and dad). They brought my hospital bag, that they had borrowed, back. It all seems closer now that I have the bag to pack and get ready. I have already started my lists of what not to forget. I had bought most items over 2 yrs ago so I need to check if they need washing etc before I pack them. When I bought my nighties and dressing gown for hospital I was a size 22 so they will swing around on me now. But what will hold a lot will also hold a little and I don't like wearing tight things. I normally wear PJ's but decided that nighties would be more comfortable around the scar area in hospital.

Whilst in the garden I packed away 3 of my temporary plastic grow houses and machine washed the plastic covers much to the amusement of neighbours. Well they were filthy and torn around the zips but otherwise OK. I will repair them and fold them away with the grow houses in the garage ready for next year. This time next year I should be fit enough to be trying to grow my own veggies once again.

I didn't do much of anything in the knitting and crochet department last night as by the time I had a shower,ate my dinner and chatted to my visitors the night was half over and my back was protesting so loudly so I gave the crafting a miss.

I got up late but rested this morning and may do a bit more on the flower beds if the rain holds off. I must fit a walk in for Buster though with him missing out yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so envious of you living in the UK. There's so much more character there. *sigh*


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