Wednesday 23 July 2008

Rain, rain go away

I am trying to wash the bedding and throws just in case (Ha Ha) I get called into hospital tomorrow but the rain is immanent and all of my washing is out there on the line. Don't you just love the British Summer. Buster is, of course, unimpressed with my cleaning efforts and just wants to play ball as you can see. He tried to give me two rather squashed squeaky balls while I was hanging out the washing.I think he knows something is happening as he has become very clingy these last couple of days. Wherever I am he is about 2" away from my feet. I have started him on some Glucosamene tablets to see if it will help his stiff joints but it is a constant battle trying to hide them in his food. Guess who always finds the bits and spits them out? I think my son is coming to get him tonight and if so then I need to give my suite a really good hoover before it goes to it's new home. I do it most days but the dog hair still clings to the velvety fabric and I would hate someone to think I am a dirty so and so who doesn't clean properly.

My crochet hasn't grown much as you can see as I have been doing other things instead of my crochet. I haven't gone wrong once with this garment so I am finally getting the hang of Doris and her shaping. I doubt if it will be finished before I go into hospital provided I do get the call tomorrow. The project is a bit large to take in with me so I will just stick with the sock knitting as planned. I might get a few rows done before my op. I can't bear to sit and do nothing. I was hoping that my Interweave crochet mags would have arrived before I went in but no sign of them today. I have e mailed Pavi Yarns to see if they are on their way but have not, as yet, had a reply.**** (See below) I wanted to browse them when I couldn't do any knit or crochet. I am always a very nervous Internet orderer and have only just started to do this. I worry all the time about using my cards etc. I think there are so many warnings about Internet fraud that it does make you very wary about parting with information. Maybe it's an age group thing or maybe it is me who has a suspicious mind. I would rather go into a shop and buy things that I can see but these days wool shops are rarer than hen's teeth.

I have added 2 more links to my blog. Charlie Chuckles and ArtYarn. These are two of the ladies from the Kings Arms Knitters. I hope that you do follow my favourite links to blogs from time to time as if not then you will be missing some interesting blog posts. I do love to read blogs. I find out lots of things from other peoples blogs and follow their links onto blogs that I otherwise would probably never read. The trouble with blogs and Ravelry is that I read too much and crochet too little some days. I haven't quite mastered the art of crocheting and blogging at the same time yet.

I am off to walk Buster now and then back to the cleaning. My back will be well and truly knackered if I do go in tomorrow but it has to be done. I don't want to come home to hairy carpets and a muddy paw printed kitchen floor.

Oh my neighbour Julie went to Christies yesterday and is having another op to remove the offending lump in her pancreas, that was left behind from the previous operations, and refused to respond to the chemo and has been re-asssured that she is not having any more chemo. I do hope that all goes well with her. She was positively upbeat about the consultation yesterday and feels happier about everything now that her questions have been answered. Her consultant seems to be fairly confident about it all so I pray that his diagnosis is correct. Her eyebrows have returned and some of her hair so that is helping with her confidence. Yesterday she was laughing out loud when we walked the dogs and it was so good to hear that sound which has been missing for so long.

****I am editing to say that Pavi have replied to my e mail and my magazines are in the post - Yeah! I hope that they arrive in tomorrow's mail. I love new magazines.


  1. I really like the colour of your latest Tall Latte. I am crossing my fingers once again and hoping that you get good news tomorrow about your operation. Also, glad to hear that you neighbour Julie is feeling happier and getting more treatment.

  2. Everything crossed for tomorrow. Good luck Caroline

  3. Wishing you the best tomorrow on getting your operation and for the outcome you need to have.
    You are a most interesting person and I read your blog faithfully every night after work. Your knitting and crocheting are an insperation and you have given me the courage to try things I would never have before. Thank you for that.
    Hurry and recover so you can enjoy life again and we can enjoy your talents with you. Lynn


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