Saturday 14 June 2008

Smell of the sea and sun oil

I love this shawl. It is probably about 20yrs old. Even then my love of purples and aubergines is evident. It accompanied me on many of my holidays abroad a long time ago and despite many washings it still smells of the sea and sun oil. I thought that you might like to see what I am trying to achieve with my new selection of granny squares. This next one will be subtler colourings but I do have quite a lot of purple and lilac bits so I can see another one hovering in the near future.

Around the same time as the shawl I also had a granny square waistcoat in black, purple, emerald and gold. I have never really been a shrinking violet when it comes to colour!

I did have to pass a wool stall on my way to the fruit and veg stall in Bury market but more of that tomorrow. I have a dog to walk and washing to hang on the line.


  1. oh yes that is definately me also:))
    and wool shop???

  2. Love the shawl - the colours - and how all the squares are joined together perfectly. Must have been an intricate job to join them up.

  3. That shawl is very pretty! I love the colors. It sure doesn't look that old!


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