Wednesday 11 June 2008

My Jewel is finally finished

As you can see from the photos my Doris Chan Jewel is finished. I am pleased with the finished result although I do have a bit of dodgy shaping where I decided to narrow the sleeves towards the cuff. It has turned out a nice thick winter sweater. I will definitely make something similar again even though I still haven't quite mastered the raglan shapings a la Doris yet! The finished neckline is a bit of my own. Similar to one of Doris's but not quite.

I have started my first toe up sock with the second lot of wool that I am knitting for my niece Vic. I turned the air blue a few times as wrangling with toe shaping and slippy Knit Pics needles resulted in quite a few stitch spills. It was like eating spaghetti with chop sticks for the first couple of inches. I think I will start the next sock on bamboo needles for a bit of grip before swapping to the Knit Pics for the main knitting. It looks rather like I am knitting a hat for Sindy at the moment. Thankfully I have got to the end of the toe shapings so have a few more stitches on the needles now. Whew.

I went out to lunch with my cousin Eric and his wife who live in Canada. I had not seen him since 1965 so it was nice to catch up once again. I met up with his brother David and family last week. He lives in Tennessee. My brother came to collect me and we had a nice lunch at the Rose of Lancaster pub at Mills Hill. I had a ploughman's lunch so my diet went to pot with all that cheese! There was an apple, lettuce and tomato as well though.

The weather has changed to be a little cooler but when I hear my cousin chatting about hurricane seasons it makes me realize that the weather here in the UK isn't that bad after all.

Buster is having a late walk today but I need to change into my dog walking scruffs first. It felt nice to get dressed up, put on a little make up and perfume for a while.


  1. Your Jewel sweater has turned out really well. I wish I could understand Doris Chan's patterns as I would love to make one for myself for the winter. I suppose I will have to try and wing it like you did, but I am not very confident about it.

  2. wonderful Jan:) A gorgeous design and I love the sock also. Haven't tried toe up yet, will see how you do first:)

  3. Your Jewel is a gem. Thankyou for introducing me to Doris Chan. I shall purhase her new book. It seems that you and Doris are alike in that you put more than just the crochet into your publications by adding some insights into yourself as well and that is what makes them so much more interestsing.
    Happy days.

  4. Love the sweater! Too bad it's too warm to wear it right now, but you'll be all set when the cooler weather comes again! :-)

    This next pair of socks you're doing are going to be pretty! I love the colorway.


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