Thursday 1 May 2008

Short n Sweet shrug once again

This is my latest version of the Short n Sweet Shrug by Angela 'La Vonne' Best in the Stitch n Bitch book The Happy Hooker. It is beautifully modelled by Perran, Vicky's daughter, and was made in honour of her 7th birthday. I had taken some photos of the shrug but decided to wait for the better photos taken by Vicky before posting on my blog. It is made in a double knit cotton that I bought from Lidl. Although it was economically priced I have found that my garments have washed well and will certainly buy it again if Lidl ever has it on offer again. I had to adapt the pattern slightly to scale it to Perran's size as the pattern starts at size 27" but then the next size is 36".
I started my niece Vicky's sock last night and after 8 rows I fell asleep so my Knit Picks were not smokin last night! It must have been the excitement of my last trip to Tesco in my car. I decided to take it for a final spin before I SORN it today. I guess the excitement was too much for me as I fell asleep shortly after I returned home.
Today I went to water aerobics there was a very strange smell in there (no it wasn't us honestly) and it caught at the back of my throat. A lot of the ladies were coughing and a couple had to leave before the end of the lesson. My throat feels a little scratchy now. They must have been using something chemical somewhere in the centre and the smell was drifting around.
I snagged another bargain in the charity shop on the way home (photos later) I found a bag of Purple wool and one of Lilac so I was over the moon. It has no labels but I presume it is double knit acrylic, I also got a bag of white flecked baby yarn. More details later when I count up and weigh my stash. I found it very hard walking to the tram for aerobics today as my back has still not recovered from Monday. I have written an e mail to the hospital saying that I have gone worse and can they tell me when my op date is.
I need to walk the dog but first it's coffee time and feet up with my sock knitting for an hour whilst I watch 60 min makeover and see what the team are doing to someone's house today. I will try to finish off Perran's shawl tonight. I have the edging still to do. I might wait for Vicky's superior photos to post on the blog once it is finished.


  1. Perran looks lovely in her new top!

  2. That shrug is so cute, and so is the little model. ;-) The sithc pattern is really pretty.
    That's weird about the smell at aerobics, I hope there won't be any long term effects. Can't have them poisoning you!

  3. What a pretty little shrug, it looks lovely on your model. I hope you get your back sorted out soon, it must be awful for you. What lovely stash, I will have to start looking in the charity shops from now on.

  4. So sweet. She looks lovely!


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