Monday 26 May 2008

I have great friends

I am so lucky to have such good friends. Over the last year I have had so much love and support from them and I am so appreciative of them even though perhaps I don't tell them often enough. A year ago I had nothing much to look forward to. I was in pain and without much hope of relief. Floundering in a sea of red tape as I batted my head against a brick wall with the hospital. I made a good friend in Warren Flood who using his influence as aide to MP Ivan Lewis got me back on the operation waiting list. Sadly he lost his life due to a bad reaction to anaesthesia during an operation. So sorry to lose him. I owe my operation (when it ever arrives) to him.

I joined the Knitting Noras just over a year ago and through them have made so many good friends. It's lovely to be able to meet up once a month, chat and have a good knit ( or crochet). there are also many e mails from them every week to keep in touch. Vicky has proved to be a wonderful friend. She ferries me to the meets without complaint and has ordered sock wool etc online for me and got me great bargains ( I am a bit of a numb skull when it comes to anything like that). I am totally indebted to her. Yesterday I got some knitting mags and a ball of jazzy sock wool from her which is pictured above. I was itching to start some socks with it.

Another good friend Eadaoin gave me some lovely hand made ear rings and some crochet stitch markers with hearts and stars with little clasps so that I can hook them into my shapings. She listened to my ravings about the troubles I had keeping track of Doris Chan's shapings amd made them for me. She is having a craft fair today in Bolton and I wish her well. Please visit her Flickr site and look at her lovely jewelry
Vicky had previously made me some lovely beaded stitch markers for my sock knitting. They both listen to my rambles as they made them in my favourite colour of purple.

The swan in the last photo is made from circles that I crocheted for Eadaoin. She sewed him together and made his beak from winding yarn around a pipe cleaner. She named him Cecil (pronounced Ceecil) and has adopted him as a good luck charm so I hope that he worked his magic for her at the craft fair. I used to make them and put gift soap inside them as little gifts. If I had a stall I used to make a few of them and put them on a mirror surrounded by green tissue paper to make them look as thought they were swimming on a lake. Just crochet 3 circles. 2 plain and one with a picot edge and stitch together as shown leaving a gap to push the soap inside.

Last night I finished the main part of the pink variegated shawl and have the edging to do later. I picked up my knitting and unripped the house sock that I started at a Knit Out a few weeks ago and went wrong ( too much chatting and not enough concentration) I managed to re start it from the bottom of the cuff and one sock is now finished. The sock are on large needles, thickish wool and are only ankle socks so take no time at all to knit.

On the subject of friends I would like to thank all of my online friends for their constant support and advice to me. It means a lot. I read every comment and take on board your advice to me about leaving housework etc when I am having a bad day. Today my back is not too bad but I am shutting my eyes to Buster's hair on the chairs and just running the hoover around,washing dishes and walking the dog in the wind. Having an easy day really.

My wish for everyone is to be blessed with good friends like mine. have a good day.

PS. On reading this post again it sounds as though I only appreciate friends for the gifts they give to me. Sorry if it comes across like that. I don't love my friends for what they give to me. You would be my friends without any of that. I just mean to convey that I appreciate that you take the time to create things for me with such thoughtfulness taking into consideration my taste. Amber for the dream catcher to chase away my bad dreams, Amber and Vicky for the crystals to aid my healing, Eadaoin and Vicky for my stitchmarkers and ear rings, Zuleika for my light up crochet hook and everyone for their support. If I can do anything for you then you know you only have to ask and I will try my best to do it.


  1. Know what you mean about friends. I have several really good friends, one I have known for over forty years. They really brighten up our lives. I feel that I have made an online friend in you, as I love to read what you are doing and see all your lovely crochet and knitting. I am female, about your age and have a King Charles Spaniel called Toby. I also love to crochet, so we have quite a lot in common. Please count me as one of your friends.

  2. I feel so lucky to have met you Jan and one day we will actually meet in person:) Maybe you could think about the fact that people make things for you because they admire and care for you. You give so much out yourself its only fair you should get some of it back:)
    Tell that Buster to get the vacuum out himself if he makes a mess. As for you:)) close your eyes to it and get back to the knitting and crochet:)

  3. My life has been totally enriched by the ladies I have come across whilst blogging.

    I put my computer on each evening, check e-mails and then check certain blogs, yours being the first I check. I am really disappointed if there is no post on the blogs I check. I love to hear what everybody has been up to during the day.

    Take care!

  4. I'm so glad to have found you, and am happy that the internet has allowed people from so far away to find friends that they never would have found. You have such good friends, because you are also a good friend to them. ;-)
    Now, go back to relaxing. :-)


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