Tuesday 15 April 2008

A new day - a new project

I have to use up as much of the wool I have for one project. There is something about me that cannot put the extra ball into stash. I had a full 50 gram ball plus a part ball left from my niece Vicky's jumper. ( June - I made the jumper in Sirdar Click DK sorry for not mentioning it last post) On
my niece's last visit she had expressed a desire for a scarf that was lacy and done in circles linked together.
I started this scarf but soon realized that not only did linking the circles together drive me nuts but that it was coming out too big and I would not have enough wool. I then remembered seeing a vintage crochet dress pattern in a lacy stitch in my stash and so used that stitch to make a scarf.

I am quite pleased with the effect and how much scarf I managed to make with so little wool. I crocheted a fringe out of chain as I knew there was not enough for a fringed one, I hope that she won't mind that it's not the circle one that she liked. I will maybe try that pattern out again in finer wool next time. I still have to use the part 100 gram ball left from my other niece's cardigan but think perhaps a knitted beanie would be more her style.

I went to the Salford Arms knitting club last night. We had a half hour delay in getting there as there appeared to have been a bad accident further up the main road. Lots of flashing lights and ambulances flying about. I hope that no one was seriously injured. Our visit was therefore quite a short one but I did manage to start the second Tiger sock and do a few rounds. The lady who knits with strips of plastic bags was there and she had a couple of finished ones with her. I might have a go one day as they make really strong bags for shopping and it's such a good way of recycling supermarket bags into something useful. She was making another bag out of brightly differently coloured bags for a beach bag. She said that she put one up for raffle and raised £50+ pounds for charity. Good idea. Another of the members has almost finished a knitted dalek. It is for a gift for an avid Dr Who fan and it looks really good now she has almost finished it. One of the guys from the bar came to us with his camera phone to take a photo of the dalek as he was so intrigued with it.

Today I started the crochet shawl destined for my sister in law. I made her one with a slightly different edging than the pattern for Christmas in black and she loved it so much that she hinted that she would like one in a different colour. I chose cream as that's another good all round go with most things colour. My sister in law has conservative tastes and would never wear a strong colour like I would choose. I will decide on the edging when I get to the end although the one on the pattern has a sort of collar effect and I doubt that she would like that. One reason I changed it last time. Her birthday is the 23rd so it's all sytems a go. Midnight oil will be burned.

I still have to finish Anna's soakers and Nikki's hat before the next Knitting Noras Knit Out - whew - mush mush Jan get those hooks a flashing!

I had a good night's sleep again last night so hopefully the bad dreams and wakefulness have gone away for the time being. Poor sleep affects my mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. Hopefully I will be able to get some more shawl crocheted today in between dog walks.

I just read the Panopticon (see link at the side) and I was rolling about laughing. If you have never read Franklin's blog then please just take a look at it just once - he is such a funny guy (as well as being a good knitter) I love Dolores the sheep (and Harry) and am a member of the Ravelry group named in her honour.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely scarf, it looks good in that open pattern. I am crocheting a cardigan for myself from the Patons Inspiration Book 2.
    Thanks for letting me know what yarn you used for the sweater. I may pluck up the courage to try the Jewel sweater from that same book, when I have finished this one.


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