Thursday 17 April 2008

My new life saver - Hurrah for CPAP

No - it is not a new knitting bag although when it is not in use it could be? It is my latest super dooper high tech CPAP machine. Basically I have sleep apnoea and have done for about 10 yrs now so I sleep hooked up to this baby and it breathes for me when I forget. Its no big deal to me any more unless my machine develops problems. I was going to have it checked over before going into hospital. Don't want an electrical fault to fuse the entire ward do I? However a couple of days ago it developed a leak and water and electricity are not a good mix so a check was needed asap.

When I got there the technician presented me with this baby. Wow I have moved into the latest technology. Its half the size of my other machine, wonderfully quiet and as I can testify from last night's amazing sleep it is working 10 times better than my old one. I have awakened refreshed, full of the joys of Spring and raring to go. I think my other machine was CRAP and not CPAP! I had it about 2 yrs so it was overdue a maintenance check. I am getting a new mask as well next week. I did enquire if I could get one in black leather with studs to make it a little more fetish looking but she didn't see the humour of that remark! Hey it was just a joke I am not weird - well I dunno maybe a bit weird?

I have my eyes on the new bag to use as a knitting bag when I visit my knitting clubs so imagine my joy when she asked me did I want to the old bag as it was no use to them. Apparently they are designed to fit the machines and all new machines come equipped with their own. My old machine was being scrapped so the bag was redundant. It looks like a useful shape (bottom photo) and the see through pocket in the lid will house the patterns etc. The royal blue one has lots of pockets and looks rather glam so I think I will sport that one to future Knit Outs.
The shawl has progressed as far as the the border. That will take a little time but I should have the finished shawl to photograph tomorrow. Cathrine if you e mail me at fullbodiedwoman at I will endeavour to tell you the method of the increases. The pattern is so old that I doubt if it is still in existence. You might be able to see the increases if you click on the photos of the shawl - they go a lot bigger.
I am going to water aerobics this morning. The weather has gone dull again but luckily I did the bulk of my washing yesterday and it all dried on the washing line - Yeah for sun shine! It's summer please let the sun shine.

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