Thursday 10 April 2008

I am so happy with my Treasure Trove

Quite a while ago I had my photo taken (along with the rest of my water aerobics group) and they used the photo for posters and leaflets and I found out today that I am on a web page advertising BEATS as well (fame at last!) Sorry about the silly expression on my face but she did tell us to laugh and look happy. Unfortunately the photographer caught me with my eyes shut. In case you are wondering we are circling our heads from one side to the other in the photo.

I went into Dunelm to see if they had any cream double knitting to make a crochet shawl for my sister in law's birthday. I made her a black one as an afterthought at Christmas and apparently it was the bees knees in her eyes which is praise indeed from my sister in law. She hinted that she would like another in a different colour and since I had no time to visit Ramsbottom I decided to nip into Dunelm and choose something from their meagre collection. Their choice was quite uninspiring so I settled for cream. Ah well I am sure it will go with lots of things.

The photos show my treasure trove that I discovered whilst in there. They had plastic bags of remnants of curtain fabric for £1.99p a bag. I have been looking for ages for thickish material to make rolls for my knitting needles, sets and crochet hooks and so I am excited at all of these lovely materials. These are the contents of just 2 bags. The second photo shows a beautiful material that is completely reversible. Tucked in the middle of one bundle was the gorgeous piece of purple silk embroidered fabric. Eat your heart out Vicky! I am not sure what I will ever make with it but I am enjoying just looking at it for now. It would possibly make 2 small cushions but then again they don't really match my colour scheme. I will have to get my sewing machine out soon but not until I have finished off my birthday presents and Anna's soakers. I daren't get sidetracked until then.

I hadn't thought that I was worrying unduly about my coming operation but last night I had the most horrific dream and have been up since 5am. I dreamt that they had changed the op to a different hospital and when I got there it was filthy. I could see into the operating theatre and there was blood streaked everywhere and on the doors. The doctors and nurses all had stained uniforms on. I woke up screaming I am not having my operation here, get me out of here, I don't want to get Strep! Now why Strep I don't know. That is a sore throat isn't it? I think I muddled it with MRSA in my dream. I was so upset by this dream that I couldn't stay in bed any more and got up to make a drink. The dog was so sympathetic he came down with me and then went back and curled up on the bed in my warm bit as if to say leave me alone Mum - it's too early.

I was going to take Buster for a walk but the hail is coming down like golf balls so sorry mate - you will have to wait a while.


  1. Hi- I read your blog every day and enjoy seeing your ongoing projects. I live in Massachusetts, so sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what you are saying, our English is not the same It was yours first! You have tyres and boots, we have tires and trunks, for example. Anyway, I really enjoy you!
    I love your fabric swatches! I crochet purses for myself and find the heavier fabric lining gives them a firmer base. I never follow a pattern, but I've found that using 1sc, 1dc across works into a nice firm piece. Next row, I dc into the sc, then sc into the dc. I can give you more of a patern if you'd like. That pile of your new fabric has given me the incentive to get started on a new one today. I usually use 2 or 3 strands of pale colored "dishcloth" cotton yarn together with a contrasting washable yarn. Have a nice day with Buster, I'll be taking Newman out for his walk soon.It's quite warm here today, going up to 70degrees F. I'm not sure how that changes to C, but here it means short sleeves instead of that tiresome jacket I've been wearing all winter. PS- maybe if you ate some chocolate before you go to bed it'll keep the bad dreams away. Works for me!! lol

  2. That fabric is gorgeous! I have a lot of scrap fabric also, and have no idea when or how I'll be using them. You must be so nervous about your operation to dream about it, but all will be fine. You'll see! :-)


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