Saturday 19 April 2008

Anne's finished birthday shawl

My niece Vicky came today and took the belated birthday presents of the black jacket and hat for Kath and sweater and scarf for herself. She loved Kath's jacket but thought she could not have one as the pattern is only for a small size on the pattern. I assured her that if she wants one I can adapt it to fit her so that might be a project for later. There is also a long jacket in the dreaded Doris Chan book that might fit the bill.
I also gave her the cream shawl intended for my sister in law Anne whose birthday is the 23rd. I made the shawl from an old book circa 1980. It was quite a simple pattern to make but I did change the edging as the pattern has a collar and a frilly edge which I didn't think Anne would like. It took approx 325 grams of Patons Fab double knit. I would have chosen a better quality yarn but as time was of the essence it was the best I could find at the time. Buster assisted in the photography by using his paws to point out the detail. He thought that I had spread the shawl out for him to lie on! Any wonky wiggly edges on the shawl are because as I was spreading the shawl out Buster insisted on helping. It isn't really lob sided honestly.

Today we went up to visit the Yarn Barn in Shaw. It's a very small shop but quite well stocked if you happen to like Sirdar. They had a very limited amount of Regia sock yarn and some sock kits but scant choice of needles, I only saw one set of bamboo and one metal besides the usual plastic pairs of needles. I hadn't gone to buy anything today just to browse for the future. My niece picked up a couple of patterns and I have noted some nice baby patterns if my niece's ex housemate has a baby girl next month. She has chosen not to find out the sex and has plenty of clothes for the newborn so I will make something appropriate for boy or girl when it is born. The shop has a lovely window display of 'loaned from Sirdar' display garments all in my favourite shades of lilacs and purples plus quite a few baby cardigans on display inside. The new owner plans to go online with sales in the near future. We shall no doubt visit the shop again as Vicky found the Sirdar chunky wool that she wants for a chunky cardigan and will buy it in the next school holiday. As a teacher she only finds the time to knit during the holidays. I saw quite a few interesting yarns in Sirdar that will work up well for future projects. I know where I shall be shopping for Xmas present wool. I wish we had gone up earlier and then I could have bought better wool for Anne's shawl.
I picked up Anna's crochet soakers again today. It's always a mistake to put things down half way through as it takes ages to remember where I am up to on the pattern. I never write anything down but I think I have sorted it out now and so will be crocheting those tonight.
Vicky chose the pale lemon and blue Opal for her toe socks. I wish I could have found a single colour as they are lacy but she seems to think they will look just fine in the random. I thought I might start them but I find that I am already using the needles that I need for my Tiger socks so that is another reason to push on with my second sock. If I go to the knit club on Monday I will only take the sock. The light in the pub is quite dim though and the wool is quite dark. Maybe I should invest in a miners helmet with a light?

1 comment:

  1. That shawl is really pretty!! Mental picture of you crocheting with a miner's helmet is priceless! lol


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