Saturday 22 March 2008

I love my purple socks

My purple socks are finally grafted (or kitchenered) together. I am a klutz at the technique but with the aid of total silence and how to graft guide I managed to concentrate long enough to get my knit, knit, purl , purl rhythm going. The socks are beautifully soft made from Rowan Kid Classic and the joy of it all is that I only had to use the second 50 gram ball for the toe so if I shorten the legs I can make a second pair. Yeah! I like it - two for one! have some lovely patterns up on their Spring 2008 site. They have probably been there for a while but I only noticed them today whilst browsing for the Grafting instructions
I just love the Spirogyra hand warmers and Emma's unmentionables.
The black pair of socks in the last photo is a much loved many times washed pair of Monkey socks. They were the first pair of socks that I ever made on 5 needles. No stocking stitch for me for a first attempt. Straight in the deep end with a lace pattern. They were so interesting to knit and still one of my favourite patterns and the best bit is that they are from a free web pattern.
Yeah for Knitty. I also love the Jaywalker socks from them. They work up so well with striped random yarn.
I will probably start one of the black crochet projects tonight but I do have some bits and pieces that need finishing off so maybe tomorrow night.
A strange thing happened to me whilst cooking breakfast this morning. I decided to fry an egg to go with the grilled bacon and the egg spat at me from the pan and then flipped itself right over! I swear I was no where near the pan as I had instictively ducked back when the fat spat at me. The chicken strikes back? Well it is Easter after all!
Hope everyone is having a great Easter.


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