Saturday 29 March 2008

I have been feeling rather Blah!

No photos today. I am just about recovered from two days of feeling very blah! That feeling when you don't feel sick but shivery one minute and then boiling hot the next. My body especially my hands and feet ached and it even hurt to brush my hair The good thing about it is that I haven't felt like eating at all so that should do the diet some good.

Yesterday I tottered the dog on one walk and then came back and promptly fell asleep on the sofa. I rarely sleep during the day but if I am not well the one thing guaranteed to make me feel better is sleep. I was in bed quite early and had to put my crochet down in the evening as I wasn't in the mood for doing anything. Yet another sign that I am blah. Today I managed to do some washing but no cleaning so I hope anyone who visits over the weekend shuts their eyes. The poor dog had only one walk again today so is sulking. He needs his daily walks otherwise he puts on weight (rather like me in that respect)

I have crocheted the back, fronts, bands, one sleeve and 3/4 of the other sleeve of Kath's jacket but am now awaiting another ball to finish it off. I will start my other niece's jumper tonight if I get the crocheting urge. Black again! Just the thing that I need when I am not feeling on top form!

I am going to have a nice relaxing bath and another early night. I have to be fit for the Knit Out with the Noras tomorrow. I don't want to miss it as I enjoy my meets. It is a great treat for me to go out. I must remember to alter my clock tonight otherwise I will still be sitting in my pj's when Vicky comes to collect me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. hope you are feeling better Jan, can't have you neglecting your crochet can we??


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