Tuesday 19 February 2008

You make my day

I am thrilled to find that Ailsa from Not Enough Time To Craft blog has named me on her list of her "You Make my Day" blogs. I am not clever enough to put links to people's names in my main page so I have made my list of people who make my day but the links to the blogs are listed down on the bottom right hand side of my blog page.

I found it hard to just name 10 as so many people lighten my mood and make my day that my list could go on and on so I have limited so as not to bore people completely. Many people are missed off that I would like to include so if you ever have the time browse through some of the ones I have linked to my blog I am sure you will be interested.

I realized when I came to make my list that most of the people on it have health and family issues but stay remarkably cheerful despite all of that. I think that blog land is a good way of dealing with the frustrations that we sometimes feel with our lives and that through craft we deal with what life throws at us. It's our way of distracting our minds from our problems. Sharing thoughts, patterns, ideas, photos of finished articles plus receiving and imputting comments makes me feel less lonely and passes many happy hours on the PC.

I have put Ailsa (Not Enough Time To Craft) on my list not because she nominated me but she usually lifts my spirits even though I know she has a lot of health problems herself. A lady of many talents who manages to craft many different items as well as working with the elderly which can be a very demanding job. A talented, amusing, busy lady

Vicky (Vicky's blog) who has become a great friend both in blogland and reality. I have only known her a relatively short time but she is very patient with my bad days and always there to encourage and praise my craft efforts despite leading a very busy life style plus having her own health issues. Her blog is always interesting with many photos of her visits to different places. She is into extreme knitting and has photos of her perched knitting in some very strange places. She has offered to knit by my bed whilst she visits me when I go into hospital!

Amber (Ambermoggie - the mog's blog) for her sheer dedication to raising funds for her cause despite her own and her husband's health issues. I have never known a woman who can churn out so many socks. I think she cat naps propped up in a corner knitting socks whilst the rest of us sleep in bed! I labour away with one pair of socks only to read on Amber's blog that she has finished a pair in the blink of an eye!

Rose (My new life in Romania) who has uprooted herself from her cosy retirement life in the UK. She has dealt with her retirement and divorce in a way most of us would like to do but lack the oomph. Her daughter and son in law run a home for the street kids of Romania so Rose decided to up sticks, buy an apartment and go and live there. Her decriptions of the different way of life over there are very interesting to read.

Zuleika (Life in the Zu) who I have recently got to know through Crochet UK. She is trying hard to design and sell her crochet on her web site and Etsy and I wish her all the luck in the world. I hope it's a success for her. She has given me many ideas for if I ever want to try to do the same thing. She has had many knocks in life and suffers from a bad back as a result of a car accident.

I have to nominate Franklin (The Panopticon) whose blog I came across by accident. He makes me laugh out loud with the exploits of Dolores the sheep and Harry and the guys. He is not only a knitter his drawings of Dolores make her truly come to life. I love his blog

Annie Modesitt (Knitting Heretic) as she is not only a great designer she has had a horrendous year juggling her husband's serious health problems, chemo and stays at the Mayo institute with travelling all over the US giving demonstrations of her knit and design work. It has been hard to be the breadwinner, juggling work, the kids and Jerry's illness. Thankfully he is a lot better at the moment and God willing he will remain so.

Notes from the Trenches purely because she has the most amusing anecdotes about her gorgeous kids. She has 7 of them and they are truly photogenic. The youngest, Miles, just makes me giggle which his 3 year old antics and sayings. I laughed out loud at the video of him making a peanut and jelly sammitch (as he called it)

Enchanting Juno because she is funny. She writes lots in her blog. This is an example of her blog
"(I have been reduced to stupid knitting for some time. For clarification, stupid knitting is for when I am at a low ebb of focus and fuzzy of intellect. The knitting itself is of at least average intelligence and often of great charm and beauty. Which is to say, it is the knitter who is stupid, not the knitting.)
(excuse me, I took a drink and missed and have just poured iced tea down my bra. It is quite cold.)"
(and also, I rest my case)

Finally Unraveling because she is juat one crazy lady. She dyes her hair strange shades of red and regularly has pyjama days. "For three whole days.
Of course, I need to run errands this afternoon. Once that's done, though, I'll take a bath and slip into my pajamas. I don't plan to take them off until Monday morning".

There are many many blogs that I read as you can see listed on the right hand side. I seem to find more interesting ones linked to the blogs I already read with every day that passes. I am building up quite a long list. No wonder I don't get as much knit and crochet done these days!

After the third unravelling of the sleeves. I ran out of wool again so had to make them even shorter. I have finally finished Kath's bolero tonight. The poor wool must be stripped and threadbare now with all it's exertions. I tried to take photos tonight but black does not like artificial light and I got some strange grey photos so I hope there is some sunlight tomorrow before the bolero sets off on it's travels to London.

I had to ring the specialist's secretary today as I was sure that last time I was scheduled for an operation he had told me to stop taking my HRT tablets 6 weeks beforehand (the op I didn't have 2 yrs ago because he said I was morbidly obese!) and I didn't want to have another op cancelled because I was still taking them. I found out that it was true and I should stop taking them asap so it's a good job I rang up. I found out that I am not on his 6 week operation list as he has that already planned out so hopefully I might be on the next list although she did hint it would be later in the 18 week time frame rather than sooner. I should get called for a pre op first so that will give me a clue.

1 comment:

  1. You make my day too. I check in everyday to see what's happening.
    Vicky x


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