Thursday 14 February 2008

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. The postman as per usual delivered all my Valentines to the wrong address and the florist's van broke down on the way here. Well what other explanation could there be for my bare mantelpiece and my empty vase? Could it be the fact that I don't have any suitors? Surely there must be someone somewhere out there with a burning passion for me? No - Ah well I thought as much. How can they pass on such a catch as me? I am old, knackered, past my best, retired and out of work so therefore penniless, can't walk far, am drugged up to the eyeballs on prescription painkillers, and grouchy. Wow they just don't know what they are missing not having such a wonderful date as me! Roll Up, Roll Up and form an orderly queue!

The photos of the flowers are from an entirely different occasion last year but I thought I would put them up on my blog just because it's Valentines Day.

I didn't do any knit or crochet again last night. I am unhappy with the way the mohair shrug is crocheting up and it has put me off my work again. I might just put it to one side and start something else tonight or go back to the everlasting sock I have been knitting for ages.I actually bought 2 pairs of boot socks from Asda today as my dog walking socks are very threadbare. I had a busy day today. Water Aerobics and then a trip to the council Tax Office with bank statements as I am sure I am paying far too much council tax, I then nipped into Asda and while I was in there someone dented my demolition derby car again. This time when I came out of the store there was a dent and a crack in the front bumper. Last week at the hospital someone opened a car door into my door and left a big dent. I know my car is a bit of a wreck so people probably think it doesn't matter if they dent it and drive away. To add insult to injury my boot lock has decided to stay locked on me and so I had to get all my shopping out of it via droppng down the back seat. When is it my turn to win the lottery? Pretty please just enough to buy a new car.

1 comment:

  1. People have no respect for cars do they? As long as their car doen't get damaged thats fine!
    My car has damage on it from being parked in car parks. I suspect being parked in supermarket car parks is the probably.


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