Saturday 12 January 2008

We must all be hip knit artists

This article appeared in the Manchester Evening News last night about Karl-Christian Gelett who is described as a knitting artist whose knitteds are created from vast balls of wire wool. (What is he knitting on the photo? A giant wire wool blanket?) It says the show is stirring nostaligic memories of childhood. (Excuse me but there are an army of us still doing it!) It says the show's heart is learning, family and traditions passed down through the generations. Ret og Vrang (which translates as knit and purl) is at Stockport Art Gallery, Wellington Road South from Saturday (today?) until February 16th, and Wider Picture on February 9th Anyone wanting to know more about dates and opening times is to phone 0161 474 4453 or look online at
It appears to be a free exhibition run by the Textile Art Group and says it also has a set of striking sculptures created with unusual knitted materials. The article does say knitting is currently one of the hippest ways to spend downtime and that Julia Roberts, Uma Therman, Madonna, Cameron Diaz, David Arquette and even Kate Moss are all at it. Hey didn't know I was a hippy once again!
I think I will stick to my garment knitting. I think soft double knit is more my taste than giant balls of wire wool but I thought I would pass on the info in case anyone was interested in taking a look at the exhibition.

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