Monday 24 December 2007

Kath's cardigan finished in time

Kath's cardigan is finished in time for Christmas. The photo isn't a good one as I haven't had time to block it to make it hang properly, I don't like to use an iron on a yarn that is all acrylic as if I make a mistake then it stays limp, over steamed and over pressed. I made it from the Fabulous Flirty Crochet book and used 400 grams of Sirdar Bonus double knit. Even though I knitted for a couple of hours I realised that there was no way the doubled hat intended as a second hat for Chris would be finished on time no matter how late I stayed up tonight. I had a few visitors and phone calls today so I didn't manage to put in the hours required to finish the hat. If that happened to my mother she used to parcel up the knitting plus needles and wool and then once the recipient had opened it she would confess it wasn't finished and carry on working on it! No one seemed to mind.

The dog is managing to trash the house tonight for some reason. He has taken every cushion from the sofa and chairs and thrown them on the floor so all my hard work of tidying up doesn't show at all. He has now followed me in this room and thrown the cushions and the throw off the recliner in here! He didn't get his second walk today as I had visitors at his usual walk time and it had gone dark when they went so he didn't get rid of his excess energy today. He doesn't like any disruptions to his routine so I will be in trouble tomorrow when I go to my brother's house for Christmas dinner and don't take him with me. My brother isn't a dog lover so I dare not suggest taking him with me. I just the dog can keep his legs crossed whilst I am out of the house for a few hours and doesn't bark the house down at everyone who passes by the window.

I hope everyone is having a Happy Christmas in the warmth of your family.

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