Saturday 1 December 2007

Every scrap was used up

Kevin's aran sweater is finished as I reported in my last blog. I could not bear any wool to be left over so here is the matching hat I made and some crocheted wrist warmers. I would have preferred to knit the wrist warmers but as I am handing the articles over tomorrow morning to my friend for postage to Ireland then crochet was the quicker option. The crochet ones are a little baggy however and if I make any more I would choose a smaller hook. I had already dropped the hook by one size to 4.50mm as I crochet on the loose side but I feel that wrist warmers should be a firmer tension than these have turned out. I would add more chain and do a few more rows and use 4.00mm hook next time. That is the beauty of making things yourself you can adapt them to fit properly. The wrist warmers will probably be a better fit on Kevin as I do have quite small hands.

I love it when projects are finished. I have to finish the WIP aran cardigan (2 fronts knitted) for my friend and of course start another couple of projects when I buy some new yarn tomorrow. I am quietly confident that barring any hold ups I am on target to finish everything before Christmas. Memories of my mother at this time of year include her wrapping WIP sweaters complete with the needles if she hadn't managed to finish them off in time. Once unwrapped she would calmly take them off the recipient and knit away through the Queen's speech after lunch. If she had finished off her Christmas projects then some knitting would still make an appearance on Christmas Day. I will be visiting my brother and sister in law for Christmas lunch this year. I wonder what their reaction will be if I whip out my knitting after lunch? Perhaps not! I will save it for after I come home to walk Buster and settle down with my knitting, tv and hopefully a box of chocolates that someone will have bought for me.

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