Tuesday 6 November 2007

Oh no! Not the vets again mum

Buster went for his post op check up on Monday and everything is going well as regards the operation. His bits are rather purple and bruised but that is only to be expected. On Friday morning (on his last walk before his op) he rushed down the hillside as per usual and gave a little yelp. When I took him to the vets I noticed that his right eye was a bit red. Yesterday I asked the vet to take a look as his right eye was very runny and it transpires that he must have scratched his eyeball and now has an ulcer on it. So I have to put drops in several times a day as well as giving him his antibiotic and painkiller pills. I am beginning to think I have a new career as a veterinary assistant.

On the subject of purple balls (my yarn and the dog's bits) I am crocheting up some chunky I had in my stash and as usually happens I haven't got quite enough for my project! I had another search in my stash and found some mohair in a similar purple colour but with coloured flecks in it. Luckily I have run out on the yolk so I have saved some of the original yarn for the neckband and button bands and so I hope it will look like a feature. I will post a photo tomorrow if the yolk gets finished tonight.

I am still battling with the "suit of armour" aran for Kevin and have managed to finish the back and start the front. I am limiting myself to a 16 row pattern at a stretch as it really is affecting my wrists. Luckily I started it early as Caroline wants to send it to Ireland to her brother for Christmas.

I am still deciding on some of my Christmas projects and have been looking on Flikr at people's finished projects for inspiration. There are some gorgeous items on there but some are terrible - I wonder why people find it necessary to put 12 photos of the same item (usually the awful ones) on there? I still haven't found the time to update my Ravelry. Maybe I will spend a few hours on it when I am not nursing the dog and trying to finish off Christmas items.

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