Thursday 8 November 2007

My kind of crochet

Today I finished the emerald green chunky crochet stash buster cardigan. The whole thing took me a couple of nights to complete, so it's my kind of crochet for sure. It's nice every now and again to make a quick no brainer bit of crochet. I had a few hairy moments with it as the cardigan pattern was turning out too small for me. Old patterns from the 80's are much tighter fitting than today's designs. Undeterred I did my usual improvisation. Added a panel of the trebles lacey pattern from under the armpits to the bottom edge. It works for me every time. If I make a bigger size then the whole cardigan finishes up far too wide for me at the shoulder area. I only had 10 balls of Beehive chunky in Emerald (my web cam photos make it look jade green) and finished up with literally just yards left over. Whew! I am feeling good though as that is now 2 packs of yarn used from my stash. Two cardigans that cost me nothing. Not even the cost of buttons as I already had those as well! The buttons aren't the best match in the world but they will do. I may change them later if I can find a better match.

I didn't get around to my obligatory daily 16 rows of Kevin's aran yesterday so tonight I must try to do a few extra rows even though the temptation is great to start crocheting one of my Christmas presents. I do like knitting but I guess my first love is crochet. Some garments look far better in knitting. I have done crochet aran but knitted aran is far nicer especially for a man. I have promised my friend that I would finish the sweater for Christmas so I must press on with it although to be honest I am not enjoying knitting it as you have probably gathered by now.

The weather today has been wet and windy so Buster didn't bother too much when we only had one short walk today. It was a bit more exciting than usual as they are resurfacing the paths in the wood and we had to navigate our way past bulldozers, wagons and small diggers. The path was rather muddy with all the rain and digging so my boots weighed a few pounds heavier on the way home.

I have discovered a lump under my chin(s) so I phoned the dentist and have an appointment with him for tomorrow if the lump is still there. He is almost certain it is an enlarged saliva gland but as I had problems with a lump under my left ear several years ago, that required hospital treatment, he wants to check it to make sure.

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