Friday 30 November 2007

Drum roll and sounds of cheers

Ta da! Ta Da! I feel like taking a bow. Kevin's aran is FINISHED! Wow it has to be the longest time I have ever had a garment on the needles. I can honestly say that I have hated every moment of it and can now relax and do some knitting that I enjoy. Well at least I can after I have finished his matching hat! I must be a glutton for punishment but I just can't bear to see a ball of matching wool left over. My genes won't allow me to ignore it when it would make a lovely hat. Maybe some wrist warmers as well? Now I am just being silly and getting carried away.

I actually managed to persuade my digi camera to take a photo of the aran. My house is rather gloomy so it is not represented in the best of lights but never the less it's another Ta Da for me. Usually when I take photos and check them later nothing has happened. Maybe technology is creeping up on me slowly?

I am off to Ramsbottom craft shop tomorrow to hopefully choose some nice wool for my niece's cardigan (or sweater I am relying on my other niece to choose for her) so the sparks will once again be flying off my needles as I still have quite a few things to make before Christmas.

Today I must do a Tesco shop ( I have a £5.50p voucher to soften the pain), get my flu jab (ouch) and fit another dog walk in before dusk. I was thinking about doing some housework but it is such a thankless task. I am not a particularly tidy person as anyone who knows me well will testify so I have to tidy before I can dust and hoover. When I have tidied I then I can't find anything so everything comes out again until I find what I am looking for so I am back to cluttered again. I am thinking of investing in a set of basket trays in shelves for my craft (messy) corner. I have a nest of baskets at the moment but I have to take the top baskets off to sort through the bottom boxes so it wasn't exactly my best idea. I may get one of those plastic 3 container toy boxes on wheels then I could at least make some attempt to tidy it into the pantry when I am expecting guests etc.

Maybe I will just make a coffee and knit some more on the hat whilst I contemplate.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping a yarn stash and ongoing projects tidy is a problem for me too. I love the look of my baskets but things seem to disappear at the bottom.
    Well done on completing the aran. I think you're mad to do a hat as well!!


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