Friday 2 November 2007

Buster is at the vet's today

I left my darling Buster at the vet's this morning for his operation to relieve him of his manly bits. He has been having waterworks problems for ages and has had 2 courses of anti-biotics in October and still has problems so the vet thinks he will be better off without his prostate as that could be causing it. Knowing Buster it will be something else and he will have had his bits cut off for nothing!
Poor soul. I felt awful leaving him this morning as he gets very traumatised when he is left anywhere. He was originally a rescue dog so has a dubious past and is very distrustful of strangers. When my son got married and Buster was put in kennels for the day (and night) he got so distressed that he had to have doggie tranquilisers from the vet when he got home. They spent their honeymoon looking after a traumatised, tranquilised dog. Luckily they had booked a self catering honeymoon and not a hotel so he was able to go with them and not get left again.
This is the first time he has been left anywhere since I have been permanently taking care of him so I hope he realises that I am coming back for him!
I have not done much knitting this week for some reason. I do that sometimes. I either knit and crochet like a whirling dervish or slow down to a stop. One of the blogs I read the blogger says some days she has lost her knitting mojo. I know exactly what she means!
I became the proud owner (courtesy of Freecycle) last night of a free standing book case type unit which is intended for storage in the garage (once the new roof and doors are on). I put it upstairs temporarily in the spare room for the moment and then I set about re-organising my yarn stash. Guess what? The shelves are now all full of see at a glance yarn, and my under bed storage units are still full. I think the yarn is breeding in those storage units. It may look messy to others but to me it is reminiscent of my shop days. I wonder if the unit will ever find it's way into the garage? At least I can see exactly what yarn I have and how many balls etc without too much hassle. I found a huge ball of black acrylic DK (about 400grams) that I have absolutely no recollection of ever buying. Hmmm. I really am going senile after all - my son is right!

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