Saturday 24 November 2007

Almost 62 - I can't believe it!

Not much knitting or crocheting done this week (Shame on me as I have SO much to do before Christmas!) as I was taken out on Thursday by my niece and her best friend for a pre birthday meal at San Rocco in Cheetham Hill. It was so lovely to go out for a meal. The last time was for the same occasion (different restaurant) last year. I hadn't been the the San Rocco for many years and I am pleased to say that it is still as good as I remembered it. Too often I have treasured memories of a place only to re-visit and be very disappointed. Worse still if I have recommended it to a friend! I had melon with prawns in a Marie sauce for starter, chicken in cream sauce with wild mushrooms, potatoes and green beans for main. I did have a pudding (well it was a birthday treat after all!) but it was really very rich so unfortunately I couldn't finish it gorgeous though it was. Chocolate, cream, meringue, sponge with a touch of liqueur - very creamy but just all a bit too much for someone who has been avoiding such things for months.

We did take some photos with my camera in the restaurant but none of them came out. Yes Vicky I do need some lessons but in all fairness one of them was taken by Louise and that didn't come out either! I compensated by taking some when I got home. I have also posted photos of me in my youth as a sort of now and then so that you can see how the years have treated me. I am so old the first ones are in black and white! I certainly don't feel 62. Well OK so I am not 62 until tomorrow but some days I do feel my age when I can't tie my shoelaces or bend down to the pan cupboard I feel creeky but in my mind that is something that is purely linked to my bad back and nothing to do with getting old! I might have to revise that statement if I ever get my back fixed. Then I will have to blame something else! Mentally I am somewhere in my 40's and that's where I am staying. As long as I don't start dressing like mutton then I am OK ( I do have nieces and friends who will tell me if I do so don't worry)

I didn't post on Friday as I seem to be starting with a bad cold. It is the kind that doesn't quite "come out" but still leaves you a a bit miserable and shivery. I really must go on Monday and get my flu shot. It is well overdue now. Today hasn't helped as I took Buster out and got absolutely soaked even through my waterproof. My son is getting me a set of waterproofs for my birthday so hopefully my wet dog walk days are numbered. My nieces are buying me some hiking boots so no more wet feet. The things I do for this dog! He is still limping but getting better day by day so I think it was just a muscle strain.

I must get on with my knitting now. I am almost up to the raglan shaping on sleeve one of Kevin's aran. I really will heave a sigh of relief when that is finished. I have never had a project last SO LONG. I have started crocheting a short cardigan for my friend for Christmas but not done much of that either so today I must push on!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Jan - have a lovely day!


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