Tuesday 2 October 2007

Crochet , more crochet and a bit of knitting

I have finished yet another wrap over crochet tie fastening premature baby jacket. This one has turned out slightly larger so it will be for a bigger baby. I am sure it will get used though as not all prem babies are really tiny. I am also knitting a matinee jacket as a change from crochet to give my hands and wrists a break. I am wary of too much repetitive work as it is only 12 months since I had my right hand carpal tunnel operated on so I try to alternate from knit to crochet in my leisure time. The photos show the work in progress and the finished article. If I am using a stitch that does not have an obviously up and down then I can make it all in one and so alleviate some of the seams that may chafe on a tiny baby's skin.

I have got my MRI scan date. October 11th at 7.20pm. It is good that it is in the evening as maybe I can get my niece to accompany me. I have a bit of a problem with claustrophobia and the MRI scan machine is rather like being threaded down the barrel of a cannon. They pipe air down the barrel but I still feel I cannot breathe whilst I am in it not to mention the horrendous knocking and banging noises that you hear even through the ear muffs they provide you with. Anyone who comes in with me has not to have any metal in their body. I had better tell my niece in case she has a belly button ring as I don't want her to be pinned to the machine by her stomach! This will be my 4th scan so I am hoping finally this time I will get some answers and maybe an operation after this one. The MRI scan machines are designed to fit people up to 19 stones. How on earth they fit in it I do not know as I feel that the sides of the tube press against me and I have to fold my hands across my chest as there is no room for my arms to be down by my side.

I watch the Trevor McDonald programme on ITV last night about people being refused surgery because they are considered to be obese when their body mass index is over 30. The hospitals are saying this isn't the case but I personally know it is as I was refused surgery 2 yrs ago because I was 13 stones. I know that is overweight but I didn't consider myself to be morbidly obese as I was described. I have a letter from the hospital giving the reasons for my delay in being operated on and in it's 4 pages my BMI of 34 is mentioned at least twice on every page! They say it isn't a cost cutting measure but I know that if I had the money to pay for an operation it would have been done 4 yrs ago. I feel as a cost cutting measure it doesn't work as I am now having to claim my pension and DLA when I would still have been at work until 65 if I had my back sorted out.

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