Saturday 15 September 2007

Short n sweet crochet shrug

My friend Caroline came to collect her advance birthday present of the white crochet Short n sweet shrug (see previous posts for photo) and liked it so much she asked me (she pretty please grovelled actually) to make her one in black as well. I think I will be stuck with making more of these shrugs for a long time to come. It is like a chain reaction. Everyone who sees them falls in love and wants one.

I wanted to finish knitting my green Opal Elemente Jaywalker socks but the second sock has been fraught with problems. I was watching tv last night whilst I was knitting so when I had turned the heel I noticed that my heel was a much lighter shade of green than the rest of the sock and also I had a very dark green half row half way up the leg. The penalties for watching something gripping on the tv whilst knitting. I then found out that quite a few yards of the unworked wool was also very pale green so I must have got a faulty ball. I have decided to overlook the pale heel and the half row that is faulty. I just hope that I can finish the second sock without any more mishaps with the dye. I have kept the pale green part of the ball that I had to ravel off the ball until the colour returned to normal. I do hope I don't have to finish up with a pale green toe.

I have still not received any news from Angel yarns about my Brittany Birch set of 5 double pointed needles size 2.25mm which I ordered over 3 weeks ago. I feel I need to get my tension right with smaller needles for the next pair of socks. Even using the makkin leather knitting belt my tension is still slacker using double pointed needles than it is using a pair. Today I got my son to order me a set containing several different sizes of sets of 5 bamboo double pointed needles from E-bay so I hope they are of knittable quality when they arrive. Size 2.25mm sets seem to be rarer than hen's teeth. I had visited web several sites who only stocked them in metal. I was tempted by the Knit Pics set of 5" metal double pointed as I had seen good write ups of them but decided to try the bamboo for the moment as I like the flexibility and the slightly longer length when I knit.

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