Friday 1 June 2007

Knit and crochet blogs

I spend at least half an hour every day following blogs and it seems to be that most are from the US. I have never managed to successfully search on this blog site for anyone else who knits and crochets so if anyone does read this and can tell me a better way of finding other blogs other than trying Google and Yahoo 360 search please let me know. Perhaps I have my settings wrong on this blog and so no one can actually read it.

Not much crochet done this week but I have knitted a cream bolero for the youngest step great grand daughter and will start on the 2nd one for her older sister if I can get another ball of yarn as the 100grams I have will not be enough for her size. I have got the white 4ply to crochet boleros for the christening in July but have yet to start as they want me to copy a bolero she already has so it will be a bit of pattern drafting before I can start them

Yesterday we had a water main burst in the street and there was no warning given that they would shut off the water so I had no water for a few hours. It was raining fairly steadily all through the day so I was tempted at one point to stand outside with a jug and collect some rain water to boil for a coffee! It didn't bother the dog though. He still wanted to go for his walk even though it was thundering and lightening. I went but I wasn't as keen especially in the wooded area!

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