Sunday 6 May 2007

Black Sheep Yarn Sale

Today my niece and I went over to Warrington to the Black Sheep Yarn Sale. When we arrived lots of cars in the car park so it looked promising. Once inside it was just pile of packets of wool on the floor. A daunting task to sort through with my bad back. I did turn over as many as I could and no doubt there were quite a few bargains if you like strange shades of beige! I managed to pick up a pack of red aran and a pack of double knit cotton in a sort of denim navy (if there is such a colour!).

On the way back my niece and I got chatting about how it was when I had the wool shop and how spoiled we were for choice with yarns etc. It is strange how I had to give it all up as it was not a viable concern 12 yrs ago as everyone had stopped knitting and crocheting and I had got to the stage where the overheads made it impossible to continue. How I wish I had it now with the revival of the crafts. I could have entered the world of e- bay selling etc and gone out to a wider audience than the small town of Royton. I search shops and web sites for things I took for granted that I had in stock a few years ago. It's all very sad.

I decided to catalogue the stash of yarn that I have left from when I had the shop and was amazed at just how much I actually still have and how much I have added to it recently. It is definitely a time to be frugal for a few months and just work on getting the stash down. I made a list and e mailed it to my niece so she knows exactly what I have now if she is starting anything that requires a few balls of this or that. My next project will be deciding which colour and yarn to make which garment etc. I actually found 2 projects on the hook that I had completely forgotten about so that will be the next things to complete after my niece's shawl and jumper are finished.

I have been busy re-potting my little seedlings and my broad beans ( 9" tall) and my lettuce (8" tall. Everything else is still at the 2 leaf above the soil stage but some I have put into individual pots now. All of this and dog walking doesn't leave much time for my crocheting but I have decided that tomorrow I will do some housework and then settle down for a good old crochet in the afternoon - after the dog walk of course

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