Monday 30 April 2007


My niece has bought a new knitting book called Domiknitrix (Whip your knitting into shape) by Jennifer Stafford and feel sure I would love to knit and wear this hat whilst walking the dog. Too scary do you think?

I am still slowly crocheting the black silk shawl but had a bit of a glitch and had to rip a full ball back so that kind of upset me a bit and have only just re crocheted the ball again. I went to the Cafe Nero on sunday to meet the Knitting Noras (famous as an article about us has appeared in a Knitting magazine) but only managed to crochet 3 rows in between chatting and having to go across the road to McDonalds to use the loo. Shame on you Cafe Nero only having one loo and it was out of order. Not many ladies at the club this week but I suppose the sun lured many away. I can't say much as I didn't go to the last meeting myself.

I have now got 3 grow houses and my little seeds are starting to emerge. I feel quite maternal when they poke their little heads out of the compost. My broad beans and lettuce have now been put into individual pots and are about 6" high now. I am quite a novice at all this veggie growing so it is very much trial and error and I read up a lot on the internet.

My crochet and knitting has taken a back seat as I am pottering in the garden in between walking the dog and my knit and crochet is only done in the evenings if I can stay awake! Today I need to drag my leaf hoover out of the garage and try to get rid of all the cherry tree blossom that is decorating the street like confetti making me quite unpopular with the neighbours. Hurts my back like hell but has to be done.

I am just watching Loose Women on tv and they are chatting about people getting refused operations on the NHS if they are smokers or obese. I should know as I have been refused a major back operation for the last 3yrs as my specialist says at 14st I am too heavy for him to operate. I have lost weight as I had gone up to 16st 8lbs from 11st when I first had the back problems and stopped doing anything but he is adamant no op unless I am 12.7lbs or less. Even my doctor who has tried to help me with the last stone or so says he can't see what the problem is as I do water aerobics, walk the dog twice a day, garden and keep as fit as my back pain will allow. My ex husband's step daughter has had a similar operation (different surgeon) and she weighs 19st!

I am off to walk the dog again for the second time. People said when I adopted him that the weight would fall off me but after 10 weeks I am still waiting for an ounce to drop off!

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