Wednesday 18 April 2007

Belly Dancing

Well it's quite a sunny day and as I was doing my housework my thoughts gravitated to happier times and my belly dancing classes. Katy at the Longfield Suite in Prestwich is a brilliant tutor ( I think it's every tuesday night @ 7.30pm but please enquire as it is some time since I last went). I used to lose myself in the music every week and as I was a would be ballet dancer in my childhood ( RADA lessons indeed- no rubbish for this girl - tutored with great patience by the wonderful Mrs Liley!) I have always loved to dance. Sadly with my back injury I had to give up the belly dance but the sun lured me into dance today. I did choose slow music and really got into the spirit. I know what this will mean. The next two days will be agony as I was shaking things that have not been shaken (and not should be in my state of health) for a long time. But what the hell we all do things we are not supposed to from time to time and pay the price later.

The crochet jacket is progressing slowly. I have only just finished one ball. I just cannot crochet black in electric light. Maybe I will do something else in the evenings. My niece wants a fine shawl but that is also in black. I can feel a couple of baby things needing to be crocheted.

"Loose women" is now on the tv. My favourite programme ( unless Carole Malone is on it Grrr). There is something about that woman that winds me up. Maybe she just likes the sound of her own voice and is breaking teeth in for someone else! Who ever thought she should be a chairperson is off their trolley. She couldn't control her own mouth never mind a panel. Linda Bellingham is on today. I think she has a fabulous personality. Colleen is also so funny. I can really identify with her. Today's programme is very funny. They are talking about stupid inventions. We have all fell foul of those. Kitchen gadgets that seem so wonderful on TV or demonstrated at exhibitions. We bring them home use them maybe once or twice and then they lurk in the back of the kitchen cupboard until that day when we have a mad purge and fling them all out. My worse gadget was a juicer that took so long to wash after use I thought sod the health benefits - pass me a carton! I just couldn't be bothered after about a week. Colleen has just modelled a lipstick stencil (the idea is you can put your lipstick on without a mirror!) and finished up with a mouth that looks like Sylvester Stallone's mother's huge pout. Funny but gross. I imagine the make up lady will be galloping across to sort her mouth out asap.

Well it's time for the dog's second walk of the day. Gosh I lead an exciting life. Watching the dog's bum twice a day as he runs around is not my idea of a really fun thing to do. I must try to get out more!

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