Saturday 10 March 2007

The power of negotiation

Yesterday I received a phone call from the C.I.S regarding my bathroom claim ( see previous blog) and they have now decided to give me an ex gratia payment which is roughly 3 times the amount first offered. Just shows folks it pays to be firm and ask for what you think is a fair amount. I am now awaiting a quote for a new bathroom and all being well I will be able to have the bathroom back to normal soon.(Well hopefully better than normal as I want a few extras in the new one)

The crocheting and knitting has taken rather a back seat lately but the dog is settling down into some kind of a routine and although I have far less time than before at least the day flies by and I am no longer as bored as I have been of late. Plus the fact that the exercise is hopefully helping to strengthen my back muscles. I can't improve the spine, only my eventual surgery can hopefully do that, but maybe if the muscles get stronger I won't be in such intense daily pain. At the moment some days I can cope with the pain (with the help of the painkillers) but some days I have to drag myself to walk the dog wincing at every step. But hey no pain no gain. I have had the dog for 2 weeks now and I think the good days outweigh the bad.

The knitting and crocheting in progress is doll clothes at the moment as I am awaiting a set of 4 needles to be delivered so I can start one of the baby hats from the Itty Bitty Hat Book, There is one particular hat that is like an upturned flower and I really want to make one each for my 2 step great grand daughters. I have been knitting and crocheting small garments in the hope of dwindling my stash of yarn but of course usually the things I want to make I have all the wrong colours for so I finish up buying yet more yarn!

I am hopefully buying a new pc shortly as this one is rather geriatric. I might have broadband but it's more like a rubber band with this one. By the time the web site has opened I have forgotten what I was looking at it for! It would help if I got some ink for the printer as well. I am a bit technophobic really. I never did master how to programme the video and as for DVD well I just haven't bothered with one of those! It takes me all my time to set the alarm clock to the right time. Technology passes me by.

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