Thursday 15 March 2007

15 minutes of fame (part two)

Update on my 15 mins of fame ( see previous blogs) my water aerobics instructress today presented me with one of the "hard to get a hold of " leaflets. The leisure centre probably didn't do a re-print in case my face scared the kids! If anyone is following this blog and sees the above photo and laughs - well all I can say is I am glad I amused your day. I have no idea why the photographer had to choose a photo of me with my eyes shut and I also have no idea what I was finding so amusing at the time. Before you ask - no they don't have mirrors on the walls so I hadn't caught sight of myself in a swimsuit!

Today I went to Lidl as I had heard they had some yarn on sale. It was very basic acrylic DK as you would probably guess but I thought it was good value for the money and bought some red, white and blue (very patriotic!) and some grey random cotton for yet another pair of socks for the dog walking ( for me that is the dog doesn't fancy home made socks). They had some cotton that looked rather like 4ply but I didn't buy any of that as I could not think what I would use it for. I did a bit more on 4 needles welly sock for son (previous blog) but I did divert onto a pair of 2 needle boot socks for myself and am positively racing along with those. I would imagine though that I shall have to be very neat on the seaming of them or them could prove to be a very uncomfortable pair of socks even with another pair underneath! I shall let you know once they are finished and modelled on a long dog walk.

The dog is turning out to be part otter. Once he gets his feet in the stream with his stick he is proving very difficult to get out again. He will play Pooh sticks all day without getting bored. Even the exciting prospect of passing dogs doesn't distract him from his water!

My books turned up from Amazon today and at first glance I am very impressed. Candy Tots and Candy Babes by Candi Jenson. If you are a baby crocheter who likes the unusual then take a look on Amazon uk. Unfortunately you can't see the designs inside the books ( always a minus on the site I think I am sure they would sell more books if they gave a taster of contents) I suspect they will be US crochet terms and yarn but I feel sure that with a bit of tension swatching I will be able to improvise. There are some very cute garments, funky hats and gorgeous animal type baby bootees. I feel the urge to get the hook out but really must stick to the boot socks as I really need them. I will let you now when I have really read the book later tonight.

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